May 11, 2005 21:15
Everytime I think that I should care about someone, I turn out to be completely wrong. I love Tom but I don't think I can take the trama of caring about someone so self-centered. He's totally detramental to everything I need to be doing for myself... getting a job, getting a new boyfriend, starting a new life withot him. He doesn't want me but he doesn't want me to move on either. Very selfish, very selfish indeed. So my best bet is to leave him alone permanently... which is only fair to me but I'm not going to worry about whats fair to him anymore. I've spent too many nights alone wondering where he is and to many tears on someone whom never deserved my love in the first place. Monitarily he made be worth a million and some change litterally, but, emotionally he isn't worth the salt in my tears. He may actually be emotionally void. I have met quite a few people who were selfish and manipulative but Tom really seems to take the cake on emotionally void.