Weekends, Fast and Slow

Jul 23, 2021 21:59

Some of my weekends are busy, some are not. Last weekend was some of each. We were busy with the trip we took from Thursday evening through Saturday evening. From Friday alone I wrote 5 blogs about hiking Bassi Falls and the Bunker Hill fire lookout (complete with fire 😨), and camping near the Desolation Wilderness. It could have been six blogs, but when I saw how backlogged I was getting I collapsed the least interesting draft into a sentence or two in one of the other five. After hiking all day Saturday in the Desolation Wilderness, though, Sunday was an easy day at home. We swam in the pool for an hour or two and otherwise mostly just chilled at home.

Fast or slow, weekends can be enjoyable either way. It reminds me of this classic Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, "The Days are Just Packed":

Some weekends the days are just packed with activity, like the first two days last weekend. Other weekends the days are "just packed" in the ironic sense of this comic strip, and that's perfectly fine, too.

This weekend is going to be another "just packed" weekend. Oh, we have bigger plans than sitting in a tree all day waiting to drop a water balloon on that annoying Susie. Slightly bigger plans, anyway. We'll hang out with some friends Saturday and do a bit of shopping. Sunday we have a roleplaying game in the evening and may go hiking locally earlier in the day. Somewhere along the line we'll probably sit for a soak in the hot tub. And for now, 10pm on Friday evening, I'm enjoying the summer evening on the balcony with a glass of fine sipping vodka in hand.

The days are just packed.

[This entry was cross-posted from https://canyonwalker.dreamwidth.org/90636.html. Please comment there using OpenID. That's where most of the action is!]

no rest for the wicked, around home, taking it easy, humor

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