As states continue to tally the results from the US presidential election held more than a month ago, President-elect Joe Biden's lead continues to grow. As
reported by CNN's election tracker today (retrieved 5 Dec 2020) Biden is now up by just over 7 million in the popular vote.
These 7 million votes represent a margin of almost 4.5% of all votes cast.
While this election has felt like a close result- to a large extent because Trump has been Tweet-storming the past several weeks claiming, with zero evidence, that he actually won, and partisan news media have repeated his lies uncritically- the actual numbers are not that close. Not in terms of the total popular vote, anyway. Only one presidential election since 2000 has seen the winner lead by more than Biden's 4.5 point margin. That was Barack Obama's 2008 win- with Biden as vice president.
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