Lockdown Day 32: Coughing, Sneezing, Uh-oh?

Apr 17, 2020 11:58

I have a few symptoms. I cough. I sneeze. I've had head congestion, chest congestion, a sore throat, and dry, red eyes. Do I have the dreaded CoRoNaViRuS?!?!?! 😳😱😷

No, I'm pretty sure it's just allergies. Some of those symptoms don't track with Covid-19 symptoms but they pretty much all with seasonal allergies. The seasonal allergies I've had since... forever. Thankfully the symptoms are all mild so far. Nonetheless, even though I've had these allergies my whole life, I'm watching my symptoms carefully in case they worsen or in case symptoms aligned with Covid-19 but not allergies, like fever and body ache, appear.

being sick sucks, coronavirus

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