Wrapping up Sacramento

Apr 15, 2016 18:34

Sacramento Travelog #7
Sunday, 10 April 2016. 6pm.

We wrapped up our trip to Sacramento this afternoon. After we finished with the underground tour we drove across town to the State Capitol. We walked around its grounds some more, seeing additional gardens and monuments beyond those we visited Saturday evening.

Among the gardens we saw today was a Civil War memorial. This one, thankfully, was a memorial to the United States- as opposed to the kind of Civil War memorials we've seen in southern states (like at UNC Chapel Hill and in North Carolina's state capitol last November, not to mention the Confederate battle flags that grow like weeds in Arkansas) memorializing the people who declared war on the U.S. to preserve their "right" to practice slavery.

* * *
The drive home from Sacramento was an easy one, if kind of dull. It's basically the "home stretch" we've driven countless times in past years when coming back from trips further afield in northern California and points beyond.

As I noted in my first Sacramento travelog it seems kind of weird that despite passing around and through Sacramento all these times over 20 years this weekend was the first time we've ever made a point of stopping downtown and visiting things such as the state capitol. We travel so much, and this is barely 120 miles from home, yet we've systematically skipped it. It's like the adage that the cobbler's children have no shoes, I suppose.

Still, despite our visit to Sacramento being so long overdue, it took an ulterior motive to give me the idea of planning this weekend trip. There's a promotion going on with one of the hotel chains we like staying with. Our stay at the hotel in Sac gave us the last 2 out of 3 nights needed to win bonus points that are roughly enough for 2 award nights at similar properties. So basically it took a "Buy 3, get 2 free" offer to get me thinking about trips that led to this plan. ...But this trip was not just about making a milk run for points. It was a trip we genuinely wanted to take. We would've done it with or without the points, and we enjoyed it. Though, honestly, we might have cheaped out and stayed just 1 night at the hotel instead of 2 if there weren't just a nice bonus in it for us.

frequent flyer points, war, sacramento

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