There's been good news and bad news on the Being-Sick-Sucks front. The bad news is that last night was a rough night. To cap off
a pretty much shitty all the way through, three day weekend last night I was 🤌🏻 this close to asking Hawk to drive me to the ER. My hacking cough was so bad I was often struggling to breathe. With the help of a medicine cabinet full of OTC pills I was able to keep it in check just well enough to settle down to sleep.
The good news has two parts. First, this morning I woke up feeling a lot better. Part of it, I'm sure, was holdover from all the pills I gobbled last night. But it's also plausible that after three tough days I'm on the mend. The other good news is that I visited the doctor this morning and... got MOAR pills!
Yay. More pills. As if I wasn't already taking enough. 🙄 But the news drugs are exactly what I was looking for: a prescription cough suppressant and an asthma inhaler (because there's a bronchitis aspect to my coughing- which I sensed and the doc agreed after listening with a stethoscope).
Now that I'm hopped up on more pills than last time I hope this illness doesn't run two weeks like last time.