getting my Covid booster and flu shot yesterday I've been feeling side effects. In the past I started feel achy 24-28 hours after the shots, so I figured I'd feel crummy this evening on through midday tomorrow. Nope! This time I got the side effects sooner. They kicked in around the 12 hour mark this time.
I woke up early this morning with body aches all over. I felt like yesterday I did... something strenuous, and way too much of it. I tossed and turned trying to get back to sleep before dozing off until 10:15am. To be fair, 10:15 wasn't as late as it sounds considering I was up until almost 1am from the night before.
I had aches all over once I got out of bed this morning. I tried a few pills of acetaminophen with breakfast. The pharmacist recommended that yesterday in case I had muscle aches as a reaction. The pills did nothing. I gradually canceled all the plans I had for today, opting to stay home instead. It's not like I had a lot of plans; but it was still a bummer to have to call out sick on them.
Around 1pm I went out for lunch and a few errands. With lunch I popped a handful of ibuprofen pills. Those worked much better than the acetaminophen. Within an hour I was feeling a lot better. I wasn't like, "Oh, boy, I want to go out and do stuff all day!" but at least I wasn't thinking, "Ugh, I just to lie in bed and groan."
The aches came back late this afternoon as the pills wore off. I was achy and tired and thought about settling down for a nap. Instead I found a quiet activity I could do. That kept me occupied for two hours. Then I fixed myself a small supper. With another few ibuprofen pills in my system now (I only take them with food as they've caused upset stomach on an empty stomach before) I feel halfway reasonable again.
At this point I hope the side effects have largely run their course. I'll continue taking it easy tonight, get to bed at a reasonable hour, and aim to have a normal weekend day tomorrow.
BTW, as not-fun as this day of aches has been, I'd rather go through this several times than suffer even one mild case of Covid.