Pair of Colds

Dec 14, 2022 08:48

Hawk and I are both sick right now. We've got a pair of colds. I'm not sure if one of us brought it home and infected the other (if so, I think she infected me as her symptoms seem to be peaking 1-2 days ahead of mine) or if we got it from the same place- possibly when we dined at a restaurant with a friend on Saturday. The incubation time doesn't seem right for a Saturday infection, though. Hawk had symptoms as early as Sunday evening.

This being the 2020s it's not possible to have cold-like symptoms without having to ask, "CoUlD iT bE cOviD?!?!" Welcome to The New Normal. Hawk took a test a few days ago; the result was negative. This morning we've both taken tests. Results in a few minutes....

Update: *DING* Results are in. Negative for both. Yay, it's just a pair of normal colds. 🤧🤒😵

Update 2: My cold turned out to be a head-fake. Yay, immune system!

being sick sucks, coronavirus, the new normal

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