Thanksgiving '22 Travelog #9
Near Harrisburg, PA - Sat, 26 Nov 2022, 1am
As I explained yesterday,
my inlaws don't just do one holiday meal, they do two. They pair up with family friends to celebrate with big meals twice. It's an outgrowth of how they celebrate Jewish holidays such as Passover and Rosh Hashanah. Second Thanksgiving, at least, is less elaborate than First Thanksgiving. Instead of having two meat dishes and 7 sides we only had 1 meat dish and 5 sides. Oh, and a table of appetizers and several desserts.
Dinner was early, with appetizers at 4:15 and the main meal at 5. Even though we ate leisurely and had lots of conversations, guests started saying their goodbyes at what felt late at night- yet it was only 7:30pm! With
the switch away from Daylight Saving Time a few weeks ago it always feels like it's late night already at 7:30pm, as by then it has already been full dark for a few hours.
After the guests departed I helped MIL clean up in the kitchen. It seemed like Friday would be another going-to-bed-at-9pm day. But then we all found second winds. With the table cleared, leftovers packed away, and dishwasher running, we stayed up chatting until after midnight!