Easy Weekend, Housecleaning, Weak Weather

May 09, 2022 09:59

Once again I succeeded with my plans to do (mostly) nothing for a weekend. The reason I qualify it as mostly nothing is that while I didn't go out and do anything big (like hike at Pinnacles National Park) I did do a few things within a few miles of home. Friday evening I met a friend for drinks and food at a local taproom. Saturday I... can't really remember anything I did other than walk out to the hot tub during a sunny break in the weather. Oh, and ran a few errands with Hawk. And treated ourselves to donuts. Errands earn donuts.

Unfortunately the weather hasn't been great the past few days. It's been 15 degrees below normal during the day. And Sunday the sun disappeared and it actually threatened to rain on and off during the day. My plans to lounge around outside on the patio and in the hot tub enjoying warm weather evaporated. But hey, when life hands you lemons, make a shandy, right?

I used the not-worth-going-outdoors time on Sunday morning to clean up around the house. I tackled scrubbing in the bathrooms and washed the dishes in the kitchen. After lunch we went grocery shopping. Then once back home we didn't leave the house again... except for a late night walk to the hot tub.

Edited to add: After now two weekends of taking it easy I'm ready to... uh, get hard?... next weekend. It's time for another adventure! I've just got to figure out what to do.

around home, taking it easy, cleaning up cleaning out, weather

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