Hawaii April Travelog #13
Hawaii Kai, Oahu - Mon, 11 Apr, 2022, 10:30am
We made good progress up the first third of the Koko Head Tramline Trail. As much as
the view up at the mountain above us seemed intimating the views back down behind us started to become inspiring.
That wasn't all, though. About a third of the way up is where the tramline crosses a bridge.
We knew about the bridge from the trail notes we found online. The notes said just to walk along the cross ties over the gap. What the trail notes didn't convey is that officially you're not supposed to do it.
But I'm a bad boy.
Another thing the trail notes don't mention is that there are bees.
Yes, bees. 🐝
Halfway across the gap there's a beehive down under the cross ties. And the bees don't like everyone walking over their home. That spot, unfortunately, happens to be right where a person wants a break from laboring uphill while balacing on the crossties. But I got through it.
Update: Keep reading as
We Reach the Top of the Tramline Trail!