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[locked; action] logicphile December 10 2009, 04:36:39 UTC

Understood, Captain.


[It doesn't take long for Spock to arrive on site, not one to delay once he has been issued a summon. Have Spock approaching on your right, Kirk, fully decked out in his fur-lined jacket and gloves. This weather is making him exceedingly uncomfortable, though it's likely that he hasn't mentioned that to anyone yet.]

A bar, Captain? Are you certain that the confidential integrity of the place has not been compromised?


[action] canyonsiniowa December 10 2009, 06:19:36 UTC
[ Kirk looks up at him, temporarily reminded of the older Spock for a moment. Then he gestures for him to sit down next to him. ]

I think us being here period compromises everything, Spock. They can track the journals. That makes communication hard.


[action] logicphile December 11 2009, 18:30:39 UTC
[Spock settles in next to him and when asked by the bartender, declines the alcohol and requests water instead. Even if alcohol miraculously manages to have any effect on his system, Spock does not see any nutritional value in the often favored drink.]

May I ask why the meetings do not take place at our current residence?


[action] canyonsiniowa December 11 2009, 21:24:10 UTC
[Besides the fact that Kirk didn't bother thinking about that. Good job, there, Kirk.]

If you have a bunch of people randomly coming over it, it could raise a flag. People come and leave the restaurants and bars in town all the time. I thought you'd like the idea of being sneaky.


[action] logicphile December 11 2009, 22:47:34 UTC
[And besides the fact that it would look less suspicious if Kirk were to discuss plans with his crew over breakfast instead?]

I do not believe I understand your meaning, Captain. [Sneaky? Why on Earth would a Vulcan like the thought of being sneaky?]


[action] canyonsiniowa December 12 2009, 04:53:05 UTC
[Hey, everyone expects Kirk to have a meeting with his crew. He's a CAPTAIN.]

Sneaky. You know, trying to do something without others noticing.


[action] logicphile December 16 2009, 18:22:45 UTC
I see. Then in this case, I would have to concur. I presume you have prepared orders for us?

[Socializing skills; Spock does not have it.]


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