Nov 13, 2006 00:19
Wow... so where to start? i cannot believe how utterly intense this semester has been for me.
Rachel fractured her back in a car accident, a friend might be engaged, another got in a motorcycle accident AND got married, a friend is getting a cyst removed on his femur, matt and i broke up, my cousin had a baby, my brother and his very long-term and very serious girlfriend might be breaking up, i can't concentrate on ANY homework...its ridiculous...and the list goes on!
Life just comes at you so hard sometimes...I am so overwhelmed by it all right now I could just sream sometimes (and have...though mostly at matt). So many people are going through so many life changes right now.
It just is all so frustrating...its like you have all these important life-things that need focusing on but all of these prior obligations to attend its like your torn two different ways and there is no middle.!