I suppose I knew this day would come.

Mar 15, 2008 16:29

I guess I just didn't realize how soon it would be.
That, and I didn't really know how I would react.
It's like watching part of you die, right there in front of you. and there's nothing you can do about it.
My chest stings from the medications I've been applying, combined with the standardized pain. It's too much, and it's probably useless anyway. I wince as more oil sinks into my aching pores, because I'll try anything. Anything.
I've lost another part of me to this monster. A part of me that I held as sexy and attractive is now ugly and repulsive. It's gone now.
I feel robbed.

When I first discovered HS, I went into a bout of manic depression. One day I'd sign off, the next I'd be laughing hysterically.
I'm back on that track now.

I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Hidradenitis suppurativa or HS is a skin disease that affects areas bearing apocrine sweat glands and hair follicles; such as the underarms, groin and buttocks. It is more commonly found in women and can be present under the breasts.
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