Take a picture of yourself right now.
Don’t change your clothes, don’t fix your hair... just take the picture.
Post the picture with no editing.
Post these instructions with your picture.
Well, I've done this for Alan and although I don't know if doing this meme has been a good idea, it's too late now and I owe this to him, why? Because I've been laughing a lot after reading his new Spanish vocabulary (Alan, you rule XD) I've been also wondering if you've learnt those sentences from Ele, a translator or maybe a song, I still don't know, but I'm really, really looking forward to see ya soon, and also the others, so I can speak Spanish with you! Hahha, I really miss everyone and I hope I'll see you in some months if not before :)
Lots of love for all those who are far away (15min. from home it's also considered as "far away")!