Question about MA entrance requirements

Sep 09, 2009 12:52

This may be a long shot, but someone in this community might know the answer. I SURE HOPE SO.

The UBC entrance requirements for an MA in English literature says that applicants need "42 credits of English or closely related courses during their two senior undergraduate years".
Because I had IB credits, I did a lot of my senior-level English courses in my second year and now I won't have 42 credits in my last two years UNLESS I count my creative writing courses. Does anybody know if creative writing counts as a "closely related course" to UBC?
(If it makes any difference, WRITE courses are administered by the English department rather than fine arts department at my undergrad university.)

I emailed the UBC English MA administrator and her reply, in its entirety, was "The 42 credits is what the perfect English candidate would be coming in with. If you have a degree in English, you will most likely qualify as closely related. Cheers."


Please please please, if any of you have any information about this, I'd be very grateful. I had my little heart set on UBC, so I hope I didn't just disqualify myself. :(
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