Losing track

Jul 09, 2008 23:09

 I'm not on here anymore because my life is upside down and backwards. Oh and busy.

I move to LA like in less than 2 weeks. CRAZY. Stupid crazy because I am so not ready! Got so much to do. Packing, Gus' shots, paperwork in order, oh and finish up my projects at work. My boss wants me to do tons of stuff so that no one else has to do it when I'm gone cuz "only I can do it" I keep saying "keep paying me and I'll do it from LA" . Sadly, it can't work that way. Sad for him.... not me!

My awesome amazing friend Simon has offered me his apartment for the month of August so that is totally coolio. I have a whole month to find my own little space in La La land. He'll be in Canada the whole month and his building is pet friendly so it's perfect!

Jack is in Pampalona running with the bulls right now. Yes, you heard right. He is running with bulls. He actually got bucked by one but he says it was "a baby bull" and the horns just scraped his elbow. Oh yeah, that's not a biggie. WTF. Dating an adrenaline junkie is stressful.

And I'm trying not to think about the fact that we're breaking up when I leave. I mean, it's the only solution. I want it because I know he'll always be a comittmentphobe and will never believe in marriage and I believe in it and want it. So why stay together with that big road block and the road block of me being in a different countries there isn't any point. I love him and I may always love him but..... I need someone who can give me something more than he can. And that sucks because I wish it was him.

I seriously think that being in LA and off on that new, dream-come-true adventure will make it easier for me to deal with the break up. I'm not doing the same job and the same things, living in the apartment we shared without him.... but he is going to be doing that without me. I wonder how it will hit him?

That said, he is supposed to be coming to LA to visit me. In September or October so.... I guess it's all a little confusing. But it will work itself out. It always does.

Umm... I guess that's it for now. The next time I post I will probably be in Los Angeles!!!!


la, jack, update

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