When it rains, it pours

Jun 05, 2008 20:36

Story of my fucking life.

So in order for my company to hold my job for 5 months while I am off trying to make it in LA LA Land, I have to continue to pay some of my benefits. I knew this. Today I got the summary of what they need me to pay.



I had estimated it would be around $500. Not $1500. I do not have a budget for that. It's ridiculous. It's assanine. They want me to keep paying for things I can NOT use while in the US.

So then I call the Federal Government to find out where my lovely eco-rebate is - because it's been a few months and I want that $1000 the government is giving me for buying Bo. They need my VIN #. So I get my VIN # and call them back and - now they're system is down and they can't tell me shit. Call back tomorrow.

The day can't get worse right? Cuz at this point I have LA is an impossibility, I can't find out where my missing money is.

I call my cousin to discuss my banking options oto see if there is some way to pay for this new HUGE stupid expense and she tells me her mother (my aunt) is in emergency surgery. Apparently she's been suffering with abominal pain for a while and her husband brought her to the hospital because it got really bad. They medicated her and said they thought she had a "little bit of a blockage". A few hours later she started vomitting shit (yes, shit) and now she's in surgery.

Oh and did I mention my father has lung cancer for the 4th time and he's meeting with the doctors to discuss if there are any treatment options this time around (we're fairly certain they will not operate again, because he has so little lung left and 1/2 a functioning kidney but maybe chemo or radiation).

So in other words, tomorrow is not looking any better.

I don't mean to get all "woe is me" but seriously.... life sucks donkey's balls right now.

PS: Oh and watching Last Comic Standing and this guy I did Seattle Comedy Competition with - who started rumors, backstabbed and was generally a horrible human being - is on it. So far he's gotten thru to the San Fran semis. He was SUCH a douchebag. And still not funny.

family, la, medical crisis, day job

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