Bah Humbug!

Dec 11, 2007 19:41

So this was my day off today....

Up at 7:30am - walk dogs with Jack. 
9:30 - At Regional Provinical Tenancy Board to file for a hearing against my old landlord so I can get back my damage deposit he is holding for no reason. It's in Bunraby - 25 minutes from my apartment and requires driving. Which means I have to give up my free parking space (more on that drama later).
11:00 - FINALLY get seen by someone and fill in the hearing documents and then get told that on top of the $50 fee for filing I have to "serve" the landlord by registered mail. At my own expense. And this dipshit company has 3 addresses. FUCK. Oh and if that isn't enough, the docs won't be ready for pick up until after 1:30pm. 
11:38 - Leave the Tenancy Board and drive as fast as legally possible (or maybe a little more than legally possible) back to the apartment to try and make my 12-noon massage therapy appointment. Get to the apartment - there is no free parking. Park in the Guest Underground and run 5 blocks to the massage place. 
12:06 - Marsha - the best massage therapist in the world - doesn't get pissed at me and takes me in for a good massage. 
1:15 - get back to the apartment. Notice someone in our building is selling parking on the bulletin board. Phone the # immediately and leave a message. Go upstairs, pee. Head back downstairs and get back in the car and drive back to Burnaby to get the paper work. 
2 - Swing through a McDonald's drive thru to get lunch. 
2:30 - still no street parking. FUCK. Park in visitor underground again. Go up to the apartment. Pee. Head out to the post office to send my 4 register letters. 
3:15 - Dentist appointment in which I find out that I grind my teeth in my sleep. Like badly. I chipped my front tooth doing it (i knew it was slightly chipped but didn't know why.) I also have two loose fillings and a slightly exposed root from brushing too hard. So I need to replace the fillings, fix the chipped tooth, file down the bottom front tooth because it's banging against the top chipped tooth when I grind them, cover the root with something that keeps it from hurting and get a mouth guard to sleep with. The cost of this? $1366.90. Of course with insurance (thank god for insurance) it's only going to cost me $368. 
4:01 - get back to the condo, walk the dogs. Bring the dogs back inside. Go back outside and park the car by the curb and wait for someone in a free spot to move. 
4:42 - Someone moves their car so I jump in mine, do a u-turn like a maniac and take the spot where my car will sit as long as humanly possible so I don't have to deal with this drama again.
5:13 - get a call from the person selling the parking. Someone else called before me. Sorry. FUCK!
6:12 - Gus pees on the bath mat. Again. Because he can. Because he hates me. Because he wants me to kill him.

Yeah, quite the relaxing day off. NOT.

And when are they doing all my dental work? January 24th. 3pm
And when is my hearing with the tenancy board to get my $ back from the dipshit landlord? January 24th. 9am.

So not looking forward to January 24th.

So parking.... we only have one stall and Jack uses it. Makes sense because it's his apartment. I moved in with him. When he goes away he puts his car on the street and lets me use it. It's cool. There isn't much free parking in Vancouver, like most major cities. Our building borders 2 streets. Our address is on one street but our driveway loop and garage are on the other. The street with the driveway has free parking on one side and half of the other. It's not metered and there are no time restrictions. You can literally park there for months if you want - and people have. The issue is trying to get a spot there. Obviously they are sought after both by residents in my situation and people who work in the area.

I got a great spot right by our driveway entrance and didnt drive for 3 weeks because I didn't want to lose the spot! lol. But I seriously want to be able to drive whenever I want. I mean that is why I have a car! I've called three posts on our bulletin board trying to buy people's parking and I am never the first person to call. I never get the spots. And seriously, don't even get me started on how pissy I am about having to pay $100 extra dollars to park. It's ridiculous.

Oh well.

And then there's my landlord (ex) from hell. If he wants to keep my deposit, he needs to file papers with the Tenancy Board explaining why he is keeping it (I damaged the place, I backed out of a lease, etc) I didn't do any of that and he still hasnt returned my deposit and hasn't filed papers. The upside of that is that now I get to file for DOUBLE my deposit. I should win. But it's a long drawn out annoying process, SUCKS.

By the way, THIS is the building I left. Although my suite wasn't quite as gross as the ones on this site, he never did renovate it like it said he would when I first gave him the deposit. It sucked. And it had bugs. I want my money back!!!!

life, suckage, parking, landlord, legal

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