A Tunnel and Some Light at the end of It.

Nov 06, 2007 21:10

The Tunnel
I stayed in my new apartment all of 2 nights. I now live elsewhere. It's such a long list of horrible things wrong with it and horible things that happened that it's too much to post. Here is a shortened list of the issues:
1) No mail key... and the manager has shown no urge to find said key, replace said key or allow me access to my mail in any way shape or form.
2) missing smoke alarm. The wires are hanging out of the wall where it should be, but it's not there. 
3) Bugs. Flying moth-like thingys and creepy crawly little round things that when you squish, they explode with blood.
4) Mold. In the laundry room, all over the ceiling. Directly above the giant puddle in the middle of the floor.
5) Rodent. In my heating system, that screeches and claws at all hours of the day and night.
6) Manager announces he is going to start evicting pet owners because pet owners are "dirty people"

So.... yeah...and THAT was the shortened list. I stayed 2 days. Did I mention I was supposed to pay $1000 a month for that?

Before I had the chance to have a complete meltdown about what I was going to do next and where i was going to go, Jack said I should move in with him. And so after I picked my jaw up off the floor and checked to see if my heart was still beating and pinched myself to make sure that his offer wasn't some kind of halucination or dream, I put all my furniture up on craigslist (Saturday night) and by Sunday afternoon 90% of it was sold.

Now I just have to sell the rest of it, pack up the stuff I am keeping (for storage) and I will officially be living with Jack. Until May. In May I move away. Now it's pretty much solidified because I have nothing here to keep me - and quite frankly Jack has threatened to kick me out anyway if I don't go to LA. I think it's because he believes in my talent, not just because he has severe abandonment issues and can only commit to me when he's not committed to me.

The Light
But the next 6 months are going to be great! I get to be with Jack, live in a great building with a pool, hot tub, gym etc, save TONS more money than if I paid full rent on my own somewhere and Gus gets to be with Belle 24/7. It's win-win.

Finally, my life is win-win.

la, jack, belle, gus, moving, apartment

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