Oh Head Cold, how I loathe the..

May 21, 2007 17:08

Head colds aren't fatal but they sure as shit are annoying. I have been fighting something since last Thursday. I woke up feeling kinda thick-headed, with a scratchy throat. I bought Advil Cold and Sinus.... took two tablets late in the day and then went to The Sylvia to run my show and had a glass of wine. No joke - do NOT mix Advil Cld & Sinus with alcohol. From one glass of wine I had the SPINS all night. It was horrible. Then, the next day the cold symtpoms took a back seat to nausea. Awesome way to spend the beginning of a long weekend (Victoria Day no less!)

Then I thought I was getting better on Saturday but I woke up Sunday morning feeling like someone had stuffed my head full of cotton balls. I spent 90% of yesterday lying on Jack's couch in my pajamas, while he was at work. Today hasn't been much better although I've managed to go to the gym (did a slowr pace on the treadmill but went for longer to make up for it). And shower. But then I had to take a 2 hour nap.

In TV news.... it's official - Veronica Mars is gone. I'm sad. It was so well written and so witty and brillant. And I'll miss Jason Dohring and all his brooding hotness. But I have to be greatful that most of my shows DID make it - including my all-time favorite - Friday Night Lights. And they moved it to FRIDAY (what a concept). I think it might do well there. I love that show so much. I am so thrilled it made it into another season. I have jack PVRing (the Canadian version of TIVOing for all you Americans) the reruns so he can get into it. I'm also seriously excited about Wednesday nights on ABC. And of course, Grey's and SPN.

I was totally enthralled with the season finale. I was on the edge of my seat throughout it.... and at the end of it all - I was not impressed.

I just don't like what they are doing. I hate the way all of a sudden Meredith isn't into McDreamy. Fuck off Meredith, you selfish annoying bitch. I am so sick of her self-made, unnecessary drama. I really dislike her. Why in the hell would she leave Derek hanging like that before the wedding?! And where the hell is this coming from?! What happen to "pick me. Choose me. Love me." huh????? Whatever you selfish bitch. If they wrote you off I'd be so thrilled.

As for Isaiah..... Well, if he never came back I guess I would be okay with that. I've had a lot of trouble liking his character since the whole homophobic slur thing. I used to like Burke a lot and I know I shouldn't blame his character and I should be able to tell the different, but I don't and I can't. So if he never comes back that's fine.

As for George - come on already! Why would you write him off? I love George. I love the idea of George and Izzy. They need to develop it big time!

I want to see him dump Callie. I'm ticked Callie got Cheif Resident over Bailey - how the hell does that happen? And then she rubs the baby news in Izzy's face... well I guess that's just human nature because she knows she's already lost George, but still - all I can think is, can we get rid of her already? Once Addison is gone I won't have any desire to see her on screen. Right now I only like her when she's talking to Addison.

And how and when are they going to address Addison's leaving? Like will she just not be there when the next season starts up?

As for Alex, I kinda wanted him with Ava/Rebecca and I kinda didn't - because we just went there with Izzy and Denny and nothing can match Izzy and Denny. But still, to see him standing in her empty room was sad. That guy hates himself more than anybody else hates him - he's always sabotaging his own happiness and it's sad.

I don't know.... I mean I will watch it next season, but this finale left me disappointed.

Would you believe I haven't watched Supernatural yet? It's at home on my VCR and I haven't been home since last Tuesday night. I'll be there tomorrow night though, so I'll watch it then.

Next weekend Jack and I are going to Birch Bay for the Memorial Day Holiday (we don't get it here in Canada but we both took it off anyway). I also have Friday off so that means I only work Tue, Wed, Thur this week, WOO HOO! And I also get to play Ultimate this week - my season FINALY starts! Can't wait.

AND I got a show on Friday night that
vegas_crystal will get to see  - and we get to meet. Super cool.

supernatural, tv, cold, illness, sick, lj friends, season finale, grey's anatomy

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