Amanda from Fort Nelson

Mar 30, 2006 18:44

In all my blathering and feeling sorry for myself, I forgot to mention - okay show off - my first voiceover/commercial work!

Head to and click on ASK DEATH (the newspaper on the couch). On the left it says "Highlights from the radio show" I'm Amanda from Fort Nelson. I am also the most downloaded clip! Go Me!

Also, if you are on the main page and you click on the computer screen, and go to the blond girl's profile (the blonde girl is fellow comedienne Jennie Apps) and hit MORE PICS in her profile, I am "Sarah's" best friend "Mel" Go Me Again!

I love it! I think the whole campaign is brilliant and witty. Anyway, I forgot to mention it but it's been live since March 3 - and most of the videos on the site are also commercials running locally in BC.

And on upbeat health news - there seems to be a lead on what I'm sick with. First off, the results are in from that barrium test (GROSSEST THING EVER). My lower (small) intestine shows no signs of scar tissue (good thing) which basically rules out crohns - which I was diagnosed with a few years back. So... now my doctor says it might be something called Ulcerative Proctitis. I read up on it (if you want to be grossed out here ya go).It is the first time in a LONG time - since my ass turned on me and started trying to kill me - that something sounded DEAD ON. And I have all the symtoms. I'm honestly hoping IT IS that because it's easily treatable, doesn't have serious, long-term health implications and it DOES NOT mean I have to drastically alter my diet. God, I hope it's Ulcerative Proctitis! Unfortunately, the doc is still talking about a colonoscopy (HATE THOSE) just to make sure it's not Ulcerative Colitis. I'm hoping I can talk him out of that. We'll see.

I had a work party today. That's always fun - cuz there was a chocolate fountain! Yay for chocolate fountains! And tomorrow I have another work function that's going to involve snacks, appetizers and drinks!

Onto MUCH more important things....

What can I say? I liked the episode. Not a lot, but enough.

I loved Sucre completely and utterly in this episode, again. Amaury Nolasco really shines when they give him the chance and I am so glad they are giving him the chance.  I'm loving not only his character but Sucre's interaction with Michael. They are really forming a bond... but somethng tells me they might fuck that bond up BIG TIME by killing Sucre. I don't want them to but the fatalist in me says that the writers are just that into the rollercoaster ride they have us on that they'll do it. (During the breakout maybe?). Only time will tell.

My fave scene - of course - Michael waking up on that gurney all stubbly and uber-hot. SWEET MOTHER OF PEARL! Just when i think the boy can't get hotter - BAM! Hotter. I loved his conversation with Sara "This is where I don't tell you" (or something like that - man I wish we had a QUOTES forum for this show).

I didn't like and had a hard time swallowing the whole way Linc got a reprieve. It got easier though as the episode went on and you got to see it was his dad who slipped the info to the judge. now I am dying to know how the hell HE fits into everything and how that COW Samantha knows him.

Episode Grade: B

And next...

By far one of the best - if not THE best - episode this season.

I loved loved loved it. It had all the witty dialogue (the whole interaction with Troy - who I was glad to see back) It had brooding Logan (no one does angst hotter than that boy. NO. ONE.) It had a tolerable Wallace (but can he go to Duke or something next year... I really want him replaced as the Go-To Friend by Seth - the tour guide) It had fun with Keith & Clay (which could become a spin-off series next year dontcha think? I'd watch!) It had Lusty Lamb (okay that was a little gross but morbidly funny just the same) It had Dick the dick (I love and hate him all at once). Yes, near perfection last night people.

And thank the gods Hannah went (to quote *NSYNC) Bye Bye Bye. I have always had a problem with the typical wholesome types. No edge bores me. And she looked to much like an emaciated, screwy version of a 10 year old Veronica for my liking. It icked me out. Seriously that girl needs to eat a fucking bagel - or a big mac - or anything with a fat content. And I'm glad we didn't have to watch her sleep with Logan. Thank you kindly Rob Thomas for the shirtless (nicely V shaped) chest of Logan Echolls, but come on! I want to see him hot and bothered with Veronica, not just hot and bothered with any old (young) blonde. I have standards! K thx.

Seriously, though I could handle the Hannah stuff and shipping her to Vermont was perfect. I liked the way she is completely out of the picture in one fell swoop and Logan can now concentrate on Veronica - and vice versa (COME ON writers - you've tortured us enough!)

I don't want to give any more of a recap because nothing I could say would be better than what
magnolia888 has already said. She is profilic in her reviews. I heart them very much, so go check it out!

Rumor has it, tonight is a NEW Super Natural called Hell House. YAY for fresh Jensen! YAY for fresh Padalecki! YAY for fresh Jeefrey Dean Morgan! LOL! We all have our harmless crushes... sadly though, I am now crushing on Padalecki which is NOT harmless cuz it's illegal (he's like 12 isn't he?) lol. THANKS DZ! Thanks! (you're lucky I love you!)

comedy, veronica mars, prison break, tv, voice over

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