Comedy Crap

Nov 06, 2005 10:40

I had a show last night and I did really well. The show organizer says she's been talking about me around town - telling people I'm ready for middling and such (that's PAID people, if it's at the right club). Wendesday I'm going down to Yuks and I'm talking to The Powers that Be about the fast track program. I know I'm ready but I don't know if they would consider me. It's a small program and they already have 4 people in it (although some should be finishing up anytime now). Another thing is, as far as I know they have never put a girl on it. Which of course makes me that much more motivated. :)
But realistically if I was fast-tracked it might create a bit of an issue. They want you available to them ALL the time and I'm doing that whole LA thing for like a month, which probably won't go over well. Still, I am going to talk to them and tell them I'd like to know more about it - show them I am interested - and see what comes of it.

I'm getting so fucking excited about LA I can barely stand it. But there's so much pre-work that I have to do. Saving money, planning expenses, figuring out who we can/want to talk to industry-wise, where to showcase. Laura Prosko, another comic, is going with me which is amazing because she's as motivated as I am and she's as driven and she's funny. We'll do well together.

She was interviewed on a radio show last Thursday - I missed it because I didn't know she was on - but she was asked about female comics in town and she answered with "The only names you need to know are myself and Victoria Pattison." And then she was asked something else and she said "Victoria pattison." I'm told my name was uttered like 15 times - LOL. YAY for publicity.

And speaking of which, I have entered a contest to date some dude who says he's too hot to find a date. LOL. My local radio station started it, and it's hysterical. If I get chosen as one of the finalists I get interviewed on the radio and I can talk about being a comic and plug my website! Woop!

Is the guy hot? Not so much - at least not in the pic they posted, but what-evah! It's free food (fi I win the date) and a publicity. My two favorite things. (besides Wentworth Miller of course).

And speaking of Went...

THIS IS ALL A JOKE. We actually had this conversation but it was in jest. So nobody write me hate mail for macking on Went's sexuality. Thankyouverymuch.

My favorite new comic in town is named Darcy and he's gay. He and I worked together last night and had a conversation that went something like this.

ME: So do you have good gaydar?

DARCY: The best. Why?

ME: Do you watch Prison Break?

DARCY: Oh Yeah. The Main Guy?

ME: Yeah Wentworth Miller. IS he -

DARCY: Oh Yeah.

ME: Shut up. Really? You think so huh?

DARCY: I didn't know at first but after watching some interviews with him. Oh yeah. Totally. I'm sorry.

ME: (sniffs dramatically): I'm so sad. Although I have to be honest, after finding out about his extra-curricular activity at Princeton, I think I kinda knew.

DARCY: What was it?

ME: He was in an all male choir called The TigerTones.

DARCY: Definitely gay. And a Bottom, I'm willing to bet after that news.

ME: Well, if you get famous and shit you have to do him for me.

DARCY: Only if you do (insert name of local comic here)

ME: I already have.

DARCY: Then tell me all about it and I'll defintiely have to sleep with Wentworth. I might even let you watch.

ME: Deal.

Again, ALL of this was in half-jest (although he really does believe Went is gay, I do not. And the sleeping with the local comic comment - jokes)

Anyway I love working with Darcy. He's a doll and SO funny. Love watching his set.

comedy, yuks, wentworth miller

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