Comedy, TV, and Boys - all the good stuff!

Sep 08, 2005 22:47

Last night I went to Yuks to see my friend and fellow comic James. We had decided to meet there - he is just back from Japan. It was so great to see him again! He's such a great friend and comic. We really got to know each other via email this summer. It was fun to see him again. AND as a extra treat, Adam put us both up! I heart Adam - he's a fabulous guy/club manager. And getting an impromptu show at Yuks is ALWAYS a blessing.

After the show I went and met up with the new boy. He's fun. Course that made for a late night last night and - cuz karma loves me - I had an extra long greuling day today. BLECK. Work right now is trying to KILL me. My stress levels are through the roof. But when I came home my landlord had cooked this reall huge meal and she offered me a plate! I had home cooked chicken, stuffing, corn on the cob and mashed potatoes. Have I mentioned that my landlords kick all the ass there is to kick!!!! I am so blessed to have found this place. The apartment rocks and the people are so great.

Anyway because of my late stupid day, I didn't get to go out with my friend Boots (yes, even the non internet friends have nicks...) So I stayed in and watch TV! I'm actually kinda excited I got to do it - I really wanted to see The OC premiere and Reunion.

The OC was its typical, clean trash. And I liked it. Although Ben MacKenzie (anybody else notice his name is Ben now on the credits?) is looking a little worse-for-wear and I find it lame that they filmed a "seconds later" intro when the cast clearly have haircuts and looked nothing like they did "seconds before" in the end of the last season,. But, oh well. This episode it was nice to see Ryan get really close to the Cohens - and finally seem accept them as family. But I think a little more Sether (my lame attempt to combo Seth & Summer) was in order. I love Seth's one liners. Also I surprised myself by being most disappointed by the fact that Tate Donovan isn't back on the credits. I'm glad he was in this episode but sad he's not a full-timer again. I thinnk I love Jimmy Cooper.

Reunion: At first it was a little hard to follow what with the jumping from present day to the past. And I didn't really get the concept. A preview here said each episode was a year - starting with the present and working it's way back Not quite the case, so that threw me off. Instead it has some present day in every episode and starts with 1986 and works its way forward.

Anyway after i figured that out I enjoyed it. It's kinda like watching a full hour of "last time on..." (You know those recaps at the beginning of shows). The whole episode is like a recap/highlight reel. But I like it. So far the characters are a tad bit stereotypical - and trying to believe Amanda Righetti is a teenager is ridiculous - but I'm going to keep watching. It has potential. (Plus it's got an Angel alumn, Alexa Davolas - and Will Estes whom I have hearted since American Dreams).

Anyway I'm off to bed. Tomorrow is guaranteed to be another nightmare. But... Saunday I am HOSTING my first show! yep! Me! A Comedy MC - life is moving forward... :)

boys, comedy, tv

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