Oh dear sweet chaos how I hate them.
Well, that's harsh. To say that I hate ignorance is rather cruel of me. They can't help their ignorance. They can't help that their image is being shattered in the eyes of the American, nay, the international community. No, I just rather hate that they are ignorant. I am sure that once upon a time, when they were children, they were darling, sweet little angels, even if one had to trace this back to before they figured out how to say "MOMMY GIMME A COOKIE NOOOOOWW!!!" I'm sure at birth they were considered cute. Now they are quite riddiculous.
I suppose that the fuel for my fire goes to Ms. Ann Coulter. For those of you who don't know of her, our dear Ms. Coulter is a right-wing political commentator who was born in the Big Apple, also known as New York City. She obtained her Bachelor of Arts from Cornell University, and then proceeded to move on to get her Juris Doctor (further studies in law) from the University of Michigan. This would normally indicate that she would have the wisdom to realize that many countries have different laws, am I right?
Well, unfortunately, I am not. Call me an ignorant child if you wish (for I only recently turned eighteen), but I can still spot what irritates me. Quite a lot of things irritate me about this woman.
Let me explain.
http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2010/03/25/calgary-coulter-speech-university-.html It started out today as I read the updates on that article on the CBC website. Seeing as I'm Canadian and I don't hold much love for the CTV website (although I watch them) nor Global, I use that to get my news. Lo and behold, I see this article about Ann Coulter about to appeal to the Canadian Human Rights Committee about... what was it?
Hinderance of free speech?
Ms. Coulter is currently on a tour, talking at three universities in Canada. Before her arrival at the University of Ottawa, the provost Francois Houle sent her a message reminding her to tone down her speech, so to say, due to Canada's laws on hate speech.
"In Canada, advocating genocide or inciting hatred against any 'identifiable group' is an indictable offence under the Criminal Code of Canada with maximum terms of two to fourteen years. An 'identifiable group' is defined as 'any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.' It makes exceptions for cases of statements of truth, and subjects of public debate and religious doctrine."
Those who know of Ann Coulter know that this woman is known for making hate speech against Muslims, gays... I'll just say anyone who isn't white and conservative. So to say this to her was just. However, this is where it all unraveled; the message was somehow leaked to the general public. Thus, a protest insued that nearly borderlined a riot, and the result was Ms. Coulter was sent with her money for her speech on her way to Calgary.
Ms. Coulter has decided that Mr. Houle is now guilty of hate speech against her because "his missive sparked the demonstration that lead to her speech being cancelled."
Discrimination against Muslims, liberals and gays........... vs telling a woman who is allowed to proclaim hate speech in AMERICA not to do so in Canada.
Ms. Coulter I believe misses the point of hate speech laws.
Oh, but the indignant Ms. Coulter does not stop there. No, as she says to CBC correspondant Evan Soloman (who I've truly come to pity for having to take this interview), she's determined to save the good people of Calgary and everyone west from the crazy Liberals.
Excuse me Ms. Coulter, I do not remember
http://www.liberal.ca/en/michael-ignatieff - Michael Ignatieff taking back over, seeing as I am now permitted to vote and when I was not permitted to vote,
www.conservative.ca/EN/1002/ - Stephen Harper was elected along with his CONSERVATIVE party the head honchos that run Canada.
This situation gets even more delightful, and this is because of Ann Coulter's website,
www.anncoulter.com/ and her post "Oh Canada!".
"Ottawa": Indian for "Land of the Bed-Wetters."
"And it was committed by Francois A. Houle (French for "Frank A. Hole")."
"Want to hear my favorite Canadian joke? OK, here goes: Francois Houle! I never get tired of that one."
"At the risk of violating anyone's positive space, what happened to Canada? How did the country that gave us Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Martin Short, Dan Aykroyd and Catherine O'Hara suddenly become a bunch of whining crybabies?"
Thank you, Ms. Coulter, for your brilliant representation of America while you stay in Canada. I've heard that not many Americans, even the Conservative ones, listen to you, but clearly some do or you would not be important enough to come to our country and educate us with such interesting phrases as;
'It's a lovely little country. I do recommend that you get free speech. It's a lot of fun."
"I'm more determined than ever to turn pretty much from Calgary through the west into the 51st state now. We got to save the good Canadians."
Thank you for your enlightening words Ms. Coulter. We shall go into your bosom and receive your wisdom- right after we watch our hockey game and have our designated time of free speech from the opening faceoff to the last buzzer.