Salon Taxes are Racist? What?

Mar 31, 2010 19:25 (Again, this is a case where I can't link the entire URL.)

Well, I was going to say a lot on this. Then I decided that the entire thing was too ridiculous for acknowledgement. Mr. Beck, racism lives in tanning salons because Obama has it out for those damn white people trying to make their skin darker.

............... I hope you just realize the incredible stupidity of what you've just said. Granted, you don't. But that's not my problem.

As the guy said in the article.

"By the way, tanning salon use has been linked to the deadliest form of skin cancer."

... yeah I think that pretty much summarizes it all up.

Sorry for the small post, but holy crap...

EDIT: Oh no, sorry, I should've read clearer. Doc Thompson said that while filling in for Glenn Beck.

.... it's still incredibly dull.
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