Fuck I lost this entry and had to retype it!

Jun 22, 2005 12:26

Okay, so to become smart and to make you all smart in return, I will be posting words in my livejournal that are fresh and new (to most of us.)

1st word

Inspissate-v.-to thicken or condense a liquid through evaporation.

Okay, this is great word because it can be used and make you sound smarter. For instance, when cooking, if you are boiling something down to make it stronger, then you can say you are inspissating it. Or, this classic sentence: "Matt's failure to clean up the soda spilled into the cup holder of his Ford Escort led to the soda inspissating into a durable gel that was impossible to clean up. (I think we all remeber that goo.)

Odoriferous-adj.-emitting a bad smell.

Obvious negative connotationOkay, this is basically another word for smelly. It is a little big for my usage. But take note that the suffix "-iferous" means "to carry." So if you wanted to make up a word, a good one would be cooliferous or sexiferous(which would be nymphiferous)! "The nymphiferous Matt Cantwell always has the goods, if you know what I mean."

3rd word

Gainsay-v.-to contradict, oppose or deny.

This is a pretty easy word. It sounds kinda akward but I suppose it would be good to know for reading comprehension reasons. I think it sounds like the opposite of it's meaning though. A sentence would be: "Although my friend gainsaid all or the accusations made against him by his girlfriend, he was still punched in the face."

4th word (it's a doosey)

Phantasmagoria-n.-an exhibition or bizarre assemblage of images, usually, that constantly change.

This word, although big, is awesome because it is very specific and it is therefore useful. "When Shaun tried to recollect what had happened the night of the party a phantasmagoria of drunken sights flashed into his head including going to Two Boys and buying everyone pizza, running from security, fighting a fence, and sleeping on the quad."

Hope you all enjoy. Comment if you want me to continue to share this quest for knowledge!
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