My Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom is:
Severus Snape is killed by Moaning Myrtle in the Astronomy Tower
Get your Harry Potter Spoiler of Doom ROFL!
omg Harry Potter mania has begun!!!!!!! I reread OotP and am now rereading Half-Blood Prince. And I just watched Prisoner of Azkaban and will watch Goblet of Fire tomorrow. AND I GOT TICKETS FOR THE MIDNIGHT SHOWING TUESDAY NIGHTTTT!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I am soooo PUMPED! omgomgomgomgomgogmogmgomgomgomgogmogogmmgomgod. 2 more daysss!!
I love the part in PoA when Snape is like, "Well, well, Lupin. Out for a little the moonlight..." teheheee!