Finally bothering to post...

Apr 28, 2008 17:24

Been a while since I've updated. My how time flies; somedays it crawls...

Happy stuff:
Vacation in late May. Yippie! Going to Santa Fe to eat, drink, see art, shop, rest, do married couple stuff, and just "be."  Can't come soon enough.
Broke down and got Dish network. DVR rules. I'm watching WAY too much TV right now, but we have IFC, BBC, some funky artsy & free speech channels, Sirius radio stations, and lots of ESPN.
Been jamming with my awesome wacky drummer pal. Will start recording soon.

Not Happy stuff:
Dodgers & Reds have crappy season starts.
Several people whom I care about are no longer my co-workers for varying reasons, including pregnancy, surgery, and new jobs. This makes work a lot less fun.
Great Uncle passed away a few weeks back.
 My wife's father was very ill & in the hospital for a week in quarantine, and they finally released him,settling on "pneumonia" because they ruled out a bunch of other stuff. Was starting to feel like we were living in an episode of House, MD.
My mom told me on Saturday that the Hospice staff who are working with my grandpa says that he has about 3 weeks. Spent this weekend crying, grieving, and buying a funeral outfit. Will be making a brief trip to Cincy very soon.
Watching too much TV.
Consuming more ice cream & alcohol than is wise.

Feeling overwhelmed by Not Happy stuff.  Communicating ineffectively with broken sentences, mixed metaphors, and non sequiturs. Arrggghhh.
Really ready for vacation.
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