Heat wave. Way too hot for kids and pets to be outside. Compound's air conditioned...too many bodies might overtax the system. No telling how long it will last. I'll leave it until I need it
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Delirium stopped pausing at the edge of the beach to catch her breath and wipe her brow. There was no way she could keep doing this everyday not in this heat and certainly not as she got bigger. She just needed to be cool, she just needed the fresh air rolling off the water and she just needed to be with her fishies. Naked man was a bonus though.
"hi NAkED mAN anD nAKED man'S dicK," Delirium said, waving at Dick lying down in the sand and giggling softly. Delirium peeled her t-shirt off and wriggled out of her skirt, leaving her just in a pair of lurid blue panties and a bright pink fishnet body stocking. "goiNG FOR a swiM With the fishiES EXCept nOT a swiM with the fishiES LiKE THe mAFia kiND. thE OTHER kiND WHerE you acTUALLY Swim with fishiES."
He's pretending to be asleep until she starts talking. Then he's just laughing.
Cracking open his eyes, he rolls up on one elbow to look at her and grins, shameless. "Naked Dick's dick, if you want to be precise." Usually Dick jokes are Roy's thing. Roy's not here and she's cute.
Pregnant, though. Hm. "Should you be out in the heat, princess?" They never got around to names, last time. But he still feels like he knows her. He's working on it.
"iT's VeRy nicE, i COULD CUrL MY TOngue aroUND it and puT it aLL in MY moUTH AND StiLL SiNG THE NationaL ANTHem of Mmmm caNada. nOT THAT it's smALL, i'M Just very... Mmm WOrd that MEANS soMEThing." Delirium said, pointing to her lips to indicate perhaps a large mouth or maybe something else. Del wasn't sure. At his question she pointed to the hat on her head and the bag of water, fruit, suncream and various other sundries that she was enforced to take out of the Compound before leaving. "nOPe bUt i wantED A Swim. TOO HoT AND i nEED TO Be... CooLEr. aND thEN i'M GoinG TO LAzE abOUT in thE COMPOUND ANd be ZEn."
He's not sure whether he's just been hit on, subjected to a fit of pregnancy hormones, or she's just crazy. It doesn't matter. It probably doesn't hurt that she's a redhead.
"You could." Playful, he opens his hand. Flirting with his cock. New low, even for you. Still, she's smiling and so's he. No harm in it. "I usually like to know a girl's name before I sample her talents, though."
Even though she's well-prepared, he's glad she came out here where he can make sure she doesn't collapse from heatstroke. He'll keep an eye on her.
"dELiRium. dEE-Eee-EL-Eye-arGH-yOU-eM oR juST DeL," Delirium said, taking the suncream out to rub on beneath the fishnet stocking. She'd once come back from the beach with neat little criss-crosses all over her body, she'd laughed and laughed about that for hours until she'd had to be sick. Barnabas always barked at her not to remember. "Ô Canada! Terre de nos aïeux, Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux! NoW iN ENGLish!"
She giggled covering her hand over her face in delight. "tHat BUt ON yoUR diCK diCK."
Delirium. Dick's eyes widen. One of the Endless. Dream's sister. Bruce had been at the wake. Dick's read the files. Hm. Crazy, yes. Dangerous? Out in the world, hell yes. Here she's just a pretty crazy pregnant redhead.
Besides. All of the Bat-family's batshit enough - him included - that they probably belong to her realm anyway. Instinct says she's harmless enough for now. More like Ivy than Joker. Tim would've warned him if she'd been causing trouble. He'll ask, and keep an eye on her, but there's no point antagonizing her.
He grins instead. "A dik-dik is a small antelope native to Africa." He's heard every dick joke. Invite her to join him or get information. Toss up, but she is one of the Endless. Intel first. "Do you know me, Delirium?"
"i Know evERything," Delirium replied vaguely, not mentioning if she knew him personally. She knew all of them in one way or another, they'd put enough of hers into her favourite place of all Arkham. She almost liked Arkham more then she liked San Francisco and Delirium loved San Francisco. "tHE diK-diK is oF THE GEnus MadOQuA, iT's smaLL AND vaRies in COLoURS dEPEnding oN whiCH RegiON of aFriCA it's fROm. iT MAKes a soUND NoT LikE A PENis but Like a dikdikdikdiK SoUND."
Hm. A non answer that is an answer. She knows him but won't claim him. Does she claim Tim and Bruce? He can't ask without compromising them and he's not sure he wants to think about what it would mean if she did but not him. The obvious answer, that he's sane and they're not doesn't even occur to him.
"That's more than I knew." Tim would've told him if more of them were here. He can't help asking anyway. "Are the others here?"
"tHerE's LoTS of PeopLe hERe," Delirium said the vague smile falling at the feeling and taste of her siblings name on her tongue. Somedays she can say their names and Bob's name without bursting into tears, other days she can't, It's like a knife inside her twisting and hurting and they're not here to help her. "mY siBLinGS ARen'T HerE... noT ANYMore. it'S jUST me. jUst mE and nO oNe eLse. siSSy was hERE and stiCk in thE butt buT THey're...gONE nOW."
Bad thoughts. Bad thoughts. Bad thoughts.
Delirium reached for her bag pulling out the notebook and writing something down inside it whilst she remembered before putting it away. "i knOW eVERythinG so iT WOULD be veRY HARD TO ouTknOW me," Delirium said trying to make the bad thoughts go away.
Her movement, her mind, her emotions are erratic. In time, he'll build up an mental database to work from, but for now, he's going on pure instinct. It says she's upset.
"Everything," he says, playful, getting to his feet and wrapping a towel around his waist. "Do you know what I'm thinking right now?"
He's actually not thinking much of anything. Just taking in information - about her, his surroundings - staying alert. Later, he's going to be thinking a lot about what he knows of the Endless.
"nOt anYmorE bEFOre i coULD puLL it oUT LiKE CAndyfLOss on a stiCK nOW i'M TOO jumBLED AND huMAN," Delirium said giggling at the towel. Humans were so silly about things. She should talk to Lucifer about that again. He understood. "yOU WeRE thinKing abOUT SEx But NOW YOU'rE PRObabLY ThinkiNG...SEekiNG THoughts oR AbOUT thE MAN who CAMe in thE FUNNY unifORM to mY Brothers WAke and is ALWAYS so sEriOUs or thOUGHts abOUT How danGERous i aM. oR ALL THree. it dEPENdS I GUess."
Looking at him makes her miss Harley and Joker and Dru and all of those dark mortals of hers that they called wrong. She loved them all even if they didn't live up to everyone elses standards of morality.
Hm. The man in the funny uniform. That would be Bruce. And he had been, which makes that a series of very good guesses on her part or a deeper knowledge of his personality than he'd like anyone to have.
Since he's already decided to keep an eye on her, there's not much to do about it. He runs a hand through his hair and smiles at her, almost sheepishly. "Close enough for horseshoes--" Batarangs. "And hand grenades." Flashbombs. "Except I was thinking how beautiful you look instead of how dangerous you are."
And that both Bruce and Tim would be scowling and arching eyebrows over him flirting with her. To each their own methods. Affection yields stronger rewards than fear sometimes, and Delirium or no, he can't bring himself to be threatening to a petite, pregnant crazy woman.
"hi NAkED mAN anD nAKED man'S dicK," Delirium said, waving at Dick lying down in the sand and giggling softly. Delirium peeled her t-shirt off and wriggled out of her skirt, leaving her just in a pair of lurid blue panties and a bright pink fishnet body stocking. "goiNG FOR a swiM With the fishiES EXCept nOT a swiM with the fishiES LiKE THe mAFia kiND. thE OTHER kiND WHerE you acTUALLY Swim with fishiES."
Cracking open his eyes, he rolls up on one elbow to look at her and grins, shameless. "Naked Dick's dick, if you want to be precise." Usually Dick jokes are Roy's thing. Roy's not here and she's cute.
Pregnant, though. Hm. "Should you be out in the heat, princess?" They never got around to names, last time. But he still feels like he knows her. He's working on it.
"You could." Playful, he opens his hand. Flirting with his cock. New low, even for you. Still, she's smiling and so's he. No harm in it. "I usually like to know a girl's name before I sample her talents, though."
Even though she's well-prepared, he's glad she came out here where he can make sure she doesn't collapse from heatstroke. He'll keep an eye on her.
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux! NoW iN ENGLish!"
She giggled covering her hand over her face in delight. "tHat BUt ON yoUR diCK diCK."
Besides. All of the Bat-family's batshit enough - him included - that they probably belong to her realm anyway. Instinct says she's harmless enough for now. More like Ivy than Joker. Tim would've warned him if she'd been causing trouble. He'll ask, and keep an eye on her, but there's no point antagonizing her.
He grins instead. "A dik-dik is a small antelope native to Africa." He's heard every dick joke. Invite her to join him or get information. Toss up, but she is one of the Endless. Intel first. "Do you know me, Delirium?"
"That's more than I knew." Tim would've told him if more of them were here. He can't help asking anyway. "Are the others here?"
Bad thoughts. Bad thoughts. Bad thoughts.
Delirium reached for her bag pulling out the notebook and writing something down inside it whilst she remembered before putting it away. "i knOW eVERythinG so iT WOULD be veRY HARD TO ouTknOW me," Delirium said trying to make the bad thoughts go away.
"Everything," he says, playful, getting to his feet and wrapping a towel around his waist. "Do you know what I'm thinking right now?"
He's actually not thinking much of anything. Just taking in information - about her, his surroundings - staying alert. Later, he's going to be thinking a lot about what he knows of the Endless.
Looking at him makes her miss Harley and Joker and Dru and all of those dark mortals of hers that they called wrong. She loved them all even if they didn't live up to everyone elses standards of morality.
Since he's already decided to keep an eye on her, there's not much to do about it. He runs a hand through his hair and smiles at her, almost sheepishly. "Close enough for horseshoes--" Batarangs. "And hand grenades." Flashbombs. "Except I was thinking how beautiful you look instead of how dangerous you are."
And that both Bruce and Tim would be scowling and arching eyebrows over him flirting with her. To each their own methods. Affection yields stronger rewards than fear sometimes, and Delirium or no, he can't bring himself to be threatening to a petite, pregnant crazy woman.
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