Damn you Jiggs

Sep 05, 2005 00:10

Alright here we are...

101 RANDOM (not neccessarily interesting) FACTS ABOUT ME...

1. I'm horribly addicted to soda.

2. I gave up caffeinated drinks to help my sinuses, so I can only drink non-caffeinated sodas.

3. I'm one of the most persistent people ever when I have my mind on a goal.

4. I'm really scared about what will happen after this year, when I have to go and make a living.

5. I'm really really really scared about death.

6. I enjoy adapting random phrases that make no sense whatsoever, to use... of course, randomly. Hence: TACOS!

7. I sometimes believe I'm honestly going insane, and will eventually end up in a mental house.

8. As much as I hate it, I'm really affected by other people's opinions and thoughts.

9. Along with that, I can't stand it when anyone doesn't like me, even though I'll play it off.

10. Elipses are completely amazing...

11. I used to keep a list of all the ASCII commands, that I made myself. Hence: ALT + 130 = é, as in Rodé

12. I play stupid internet games to kill time, they aren't really exciting at all.

13. I'm a horrible hopeless romantic.

14. I play mind games in my head when I'm in cars riding.

15. I am an insane Angels fan.

16. I made over 1000 bucks playing poker over the internet last summer... and spent it all.

17. When I have money, I give it away like candy at Halloween.

18. I really like alliteration, it's intriguing.

19. I use the word "totally" way too much.

20. My TV is almost exclusively turned to ESPN... it's sad how obsessed I am with sports.

21. Shuffleboard is awesome, and anyone who says it isn't hasn't played.

22. Anytime I get into something, I must know everything about it. I research, read books, and have to learn about every aspect.

23. I'm a huge nerd.

24. I am completely fascinated with people... anyone who tells me about themselves I find the most amazing thing.

25. I'm naturally incredibly proficient in math and english... and really enjoy a good long math problem.

26. I aspire to learn how to backflip and frontflip.

27. Sometimes I feel like I don't really belong anywhere.

28. Del Taco has the most amazing chicken quesadillas... if you get them with spicy jack cheese.

29. Help me understand this... I can't stand cheese in my hamburgers, sandwiches, burritos, tacos, or by itself. I totally love nachos, pizza, quesadillas, and melted cheese on vegetables.

30. I hate onions on burgers, but love onion rings.

31. I often reply to sarcastic statements by answering them truthfully, but as a joke. That humor can get lost in people... especially online.

32. I think about singing and music more then any other aspect of my life.

33. Using "vibes," "auras," or whatever you wish to call them, I can instantaneously tell how my reaction will be to someone I just met.

34. I'm allergic to cats, but I still pet them and suffer later.

35. I'm incredibly lonely, and secretely long for a meaningful relationship.

36. I'm rapidly gaining appreciation for Jiggs, who has somehow completely two of these things. It's a real bitch.

37. I've never seen Napoleon Dynamite, and I'm okay with that.

38. Visiting Europe was beyond amazing.

39. I have to go to sleep with the tv on, or I sit and stare for hours.

40. I would happily play any sport.

41. I'm an insanely competitive person.

42. I golf, and it's awesome.

43. I will tear up during romantic comedies.

44. Garden State is an amazing movie.

45. I love being spontaneous and non-sequitor.

46. I think I'm the only person who uses non-sequitor on a semi-regular basis.

47. My favorite color is red.

48. I really enjoy expensive food, and that's what I spend most of my money on.

49. I never have enough money.

50. Who does?

51. I'm more then halfway done with this.

52. I wish people would comment more on my pics.

53. I've been hurt so many times by trusting people too easily.

54. I was 4'8" in 8th grade.

55. I was 5'6" when I started high school.

56. I don't understand the point of buying jeans that are really tore up.

57. I felt a sense of pride when my own jeans ripped naturally.

58. I know when to correctly use "who" and "whom."

59. I pronounce diphthong "dif-thong" now, damn you Michael Skidgel.

60. I just looked up "diphthong" on dictionary.com, and it said there are two accepted pronounciations... "dif" and "dip"

61. I studied phonetics for fun... because I wanted to learn more about accents and dialects.

62. My right leg is longer then my left.

63. My left foot is a half size smaller then my right.

64. My left ear is lower down then my right.

65. Apparently, my entire left side sucks.

66. I love having a really high metabolism.

67. I believe that "being yourself" is the best quality a person can have.

68. Second to that is honesty, which ties hand in hand with that.

69. I hate it when people put their hands on my truck's windows.

70. I've been in jail.

71. I have worked in the absolute worst places in southern California.

72. I overplay all my cds.. when I get/make a new cd I will play it 24/7 in my truck.

73. I can't say no, so I find creative ways to delay saying yes.

74. I love Elton John's "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me."

75. I want to learn how to surf, any takers?

76. I think having a real heart to heart conversation with someone is one of the best moments in life.

77. I'd take it over sex.

78. I feel completely lost when I don't have a goal in my life.

79. I love the beach. Watching sunsets, despite being cliché, is one of the most romantic experiences.

80. I've rarely ever swam in my pool, I don't like swimming alone.

81. The game of "Life" is awesome.

82. I was addicted to an online game for 2 years.

83. I will totally overanalyze everything, so I keep myself constantly busy to combat that.

84. Did I mention I want a girlfriend?

85. I live by the greek term, "everything in moderation, nothing in excess."

86. I used to love french onion dip, until I was introduced to "salsa con queso!"

87. I'm very easily pleased, the smallest things can make my day.

88. I really enjoy being myself... I've came a long way.

89. I'm currently rehearsing for an opera.

90. I wanna learn how to play piano better.

91. I really want to do it all, if I had my choice I'd be on broadway, in movies, commercials, directing, and musically direct a show.

92. I don't think I have the greatest natural voice at all... I've had to work like hell to get it decent.

93. This year I wanna see my friends as just that, friends, and be happy when they get solos and what not, even if I don't.

94. I think playing Linus was the best role I've done.

95. I'm really stubborn.

96. I like being tan.

97. I hate my chin.

98. "If at first you don't succeed, don't skydive" is one of my favorite quotes.

99. Carmel Apple Ciders at Starbucks can be a lifesaver.

100. I acronoymize a ton, and make up words too (like acronymize)

101. I love you for reading all of this.
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