Sep 22, 2016 16:06
Pat, it turns out, was not the pain in my ass yesterday. THAT honor goes to myself. I worked out in the AM, and I seriously busted my ass doing a workout that I'm still feeling 18 hours later. OW. Thrusters (Squat with the bar, then pushing the bar overhead when you stand up) with 35 lbs for 50 reps and then 55 lbs for 40 reps. I'm amazed I can walk at all.
Went with Pat to the LA Fair yesterday. It was actually a good time, and I know I shouldnt' be surprised by that, but I was. Pat's actually not bad company when he doesn't have an audience and isn't being a jerk.
It was nice to wander the fair, although everything hurt.
Had a meeting yesterday with the woman who turned down my interest in being the Service Unit Manager for Arcadia Girl Scouts yesterday. The reason they turned me down was two things. First off, when Allison the liar freaked out and had all of her drama with scouts, I defended her. Now.... council's stance is "you should trust us" and my stance is "council totally screwed me over for no reason so why should I trust you". And the manager gets that. The second thing was at the Volunteer conference I went to in August, I introduced myself to the volunteer manager (who took over for the evil Sheila) as a "troublemaker". Because anyone who knows me knows that I'll say that, but it's not true. Well, this woman doesn't know that, and doesn't know me. So those were my first two introductions to the now Senior VP of Volunteer Development. Add into that the fact that I still have a bad rep with the Training Manager because she followed the VP heart and mind into the abyss. (so poetic) I told the local manager that if she didn't want me to manage the SU, that was fine, but that I seriously doubt that she'd get good people to volunteer. The whole area is a bunch of Asian women who will help if they're told to, but won't step up on their own.
She told me she'd have that conversation and get back to me. I can't bring myself to care all that much. If I take the position, more power to me, if I don't I get more free time. Win win.
And now, the guys at work introduced me to a time-suck video game, so I'm going to go play that until it's time to go home in half an hour.