Feb 15, 2006 08:36
a friend of mine stumbled across a book the other day. i found in the meger library we have here(filled with donated used books and stuff other marines left behind) a book entitled Devils Guard that i found rather interesting. its the story of an SS nazi named Hans Josef Wagemueller and his role as an anti-insurgent during the war between viet minh and the french forign legion in indochina (now vietnam). it demonstrates the level of pure brutality that an insurgent force (iraq anyone?) is willing to go to in achieving their political goals, or just for the spoils of it. but more importantly, it shows the level of brutality that a force aiming to stop an insurgency must use. lets face it, the only way we are gonna stop terrorists from fighting is by implimenting tactics that would make geneva puke, but which are the same tactics being used against us. i wont go into the gory details of the book, but suffice it to say that it took nazi's to stand a chance against the viet minh. you can find it yourself on ebay, though since ive heard that the prices can get up to about 90 or 100 dollars, i recomend doing the american thing and DLing it. as for this copy, i thought if taking it home as a keep sake, but i decided to let it stay here for some other marine to read. its good and relativly short so i recomend it.