(no subject)

Jul 15, 2004 02:28


& Name: Cantrella
& Nicknames/Aliases: Trella, Trel, Cinderella
& Age: 17
& Location: Royalton, Ky
& Hair color: Brown w/highlights
& Eye color: Hazel
& Height: 5'4"
& Weight: 123
& Tattoos: Nope
& Piercings: Ear


& Since I know your hair color, describe your hairstyle to me: It's past my sholders and I like to use my flat iron on it so its really straight
& Is it dyed: just highlights
& Describe your eyes as well {large, small, almond shaped, two different colors, etc}: They're just hazel eyes lol
& Any other distinctive/unusual markings on your body: No lol
& Scars: yeah i got 2
& Freckles: shew shit yea
& Is your weight considered average to your height:
Yeah its sverage I reckon
& If not, do you want to lose weight: Umm 8 lbs!
& Do you wear makeup:Yeah
& What brands do you use:Um Merle Norman Shit and stuff from Walmart
& What do you wear on a normal basis: Depends on where I am going!
& Do you stay exclusive to one store, or shop at various stores: AE, Abercrombie, Wet Seal, and just anything I see I like.
& Do you like Converse shoes: Nope not much on em lol
& What about plaid: Gross
& Studded belts/jewelry/etc: Nahhh
& How would people describe your "style": Like everyone else around here!
& Do you enjoy getting dressed up:I love it!
& Most expensive item in your closet:IDk
& Least expensive item in your closet:IDK that either
& How often do you shop:Everytime I get money
& Would you ever go shopping with me: no


& Have a significant other: Aww yes!
& And if so, what is their name {Single people, hold on}: Robbie Baker!
& How long have you two been together:2 1/2 years
& Why do you like him/her: He's the greatest...he loves me for me...and I don't know I am the only one who understands him and he is the only on who understands me...lol it's perfect!
& What do they look like: He is about 5'9, 155 lbs, Dark Brown wavy kinds shaggy hair, and the prettiest green eyes!! AWWWWW.
& What things do you have in common: We are they total oppisite(sp).
& What things do they do that irk you: He thinks he is ALWAYS right no matter what
& Are they "the one" for you: I truly beileve that with everything in me.
& What romantic things have they done for you:I dont wanna go into details..lol
& If not taken {like me}, who are you crushing on:no one.
& How long have you been crushin' on this person:
& Will/would you ever consider telling him/her about your feelings: BLAH
& If you have told them, what was their reaction: BLAH BLAH
& Would you ever consider dating someone of the same sex: Nahh
& Why or why not: What would be the point?


& Still living with (a) parent(s) {if you're over 18, that is}: 17, so I am with them still!
& Have any pets: Sum dogs Shera (Pug) Boston (Boston Terrier) Sally (their mutt)!
& Have any siblings {Names & ages}: Bradley Curtis (16) Hana Jo (11) Kenlee Payton (3)!
& Get along with them okay: Most of the time yes..
& Get along with your parent(s): Yeah..Alot better these days
& Make you do any chores around the house: I should do more
& Overall good people with good intentions:Aren't they a;;


& Current HS/Uni: Magoffin Co. HS
& Planning to go to college HS folk, and if so, which one: Yes, either PCC of LCC to start out then sum where bigger dk yet
& Current/future college Major: I want to be a sports anchor or just an anchor in general.
& Live in a dorm or outside campus: I dunno
& Current G.P.A: 3.8
& School colors: Maron and White
& School mascot: Hornet
& Got school spirit: Ohh but yes
& Fave classes: None
& Not so fave classes: PRE CaL, ENGLISH
& Fave teachers: This year? Mrs.Whitaker and Mrs. Sammons I love her!
& Worst teachers: Mrs.Hensley *drove me and heather insane*
& Into any sports: Basketball
& Attend any games: All of them
& Clubs: nahhh
& Gotten any refferals/demerits and if so, what fpr:no
& What about Tardy Hall/detentions: Yeah
& Been expelled/suspended, and if so, what for: Nah!
& Are you popular: Nahh...but I will talk to anyone and everyone
& If not, what do you think about the popular crowd:I don't there is a so called "Popular" crowd at my school
& Are you an outcast: N0!
& If not, what do you think about the "freaks": I would never judge anyone..
& Or are you just a normal average person trying to get by: Pretty much
& Talkative and open or shy and introverted: I'm talkative
& Like to gossip:Oh yes!
& Did/do you buy the school lunch or brung/bring your own: Buy if I eat
& Gotten into any fights: Shew NO!
& Witnessed any fights: Oh yeah
& What's your view on school dances: Dances? What's a school dance?
& Went/going to Prom: Yeah 2 of em!
& If not, who would you beat up if you had the chance: Hmm. I dunno, what does that have to do with prom?
& Were in/In any special academic programs {IB, AICE, etc}: Umm G&T
& If not, then did/do you take regular or honors classes or combo of both:Honors


& Best friend(s):Heather,Amy,Chels,Bre,Ellen,Jess,Abby,Robbie,Court,Justin,Shane,Brad,Britt,Mal.and so on..I love all my friends so they can all be my best!
& How long have you known them: Some longer then others
& Why do you like them: I love em!
& Get along, or have small petty fights constantly:No
& Do you forgive them easily, or not: YES
& What is the worst thing one has done:Rather not say
& Talk about them behind their back:Haha...
& If so, did they find out: no
& Have any gay/lesbian friends: i dont know
& Loudest: Chels, Ellen
& Shyest: Ames
& Craziest: Heather
& Ditziest: amy and heather lol sorry
& Happy-go-lucky: Bre lol
& Attitudal: Me
& Sexiest: *ROBBIE*
& Problematic: justin lmao idk
& Funniest:We are all f'n funny..but robbies pretty damn funny
& Weirdest: Once again, all of us
& Do you have more acquaintances than friends {like I do}: I guess
& What's for important in a friendship, empathy/trust: Both?


& Take drugs: No
& Rave/party all night: No
& Smoke: No
& Got drunk: Y yEah
& Had sex: Yelp
& If not, straight edge then: Uh...what?
& Or just have common sense not to do those things:hehe
& Broken the law: Uh, yeah
& Streaked/flashed: No
& Stolen anything: No
& Snuck out: No
& Skinny-dipped: Nah
& Instigated a fight: Sorta
& Egged/TP'd a house: no
& Anything else I should know about: nope


& Color: Purple
& Number: 11
& Food: Chicken
& Drink {non-alcoholic}: Mt Dew
& Drink {alcoholic}: I like Beer, But Bacardi Razz is the shit
& Animal: Puppy
& Sport: Basketball
& Day: Saturday
& Season: SUMMER
& Year: 2005 I graduate!
& Time of day: Night
& Store: ??
& Clothing item:Dont matter
& Shoes: any
& Band: anything that likes nice
& Song: Wake Up Older Julie Roberts
& Music genre: I like everything
& TV show: Big Brother 5
& Cartoon: idk
& Musical/play: Uh...?
& Movie: Butterfly Effect
& Book: zzzz
& Author: Don't really have one
& Artist: no
& Language: English
& Celebrity: I dunno
& Comedian: I dunno
& Singer: Haha, I dunno!
& Country: Jamaica!
& State: isk?
& TV station: idk
& TV character: Kevin Arnold, I guess haha
& Radio station: 100.5. 95.5, 97.3, 93.1, 98.9
& Person in the whole world: ROBBIE BAKER!


& All-time band: Lala, you just asked...
& All-time song: Wake up older
& All-time singer: ...
& All-time music video: Shit if I know.
& Soundtrack: IDK
& First CD you ever owned: HANSON AWWW
& How many CD's do you own now: none
& Any embarrassing CD's in your collection: BSB< NSYNC HANSON
& Current fave CD: BURNT
& Download music: ALWAYS
& Have an iPod, etc: Nope
& Have a specific genre you listen to, or enjoy lots of music: Pretty much everything
& Pop/country: Country
& Emo/alternative: Alternative
& Death-metal/rock: Rock
& Trance/trip-hop: Hip-hop
& Like imported/foreign music: Uh, sure?
& Enjoy classical: no
& Can you play any instruments, and if so, what: no
& How long have you been playing it: lmao
& If you can't play any instruments, what would you like to learn and why: i dont care
& Been/In a band: oh no
& If so, what's your band's name and what do you play: ...
& Been to (a) concert(s)/show(s): yeah
& If so, who did you see: HAnSON lol
& Ever gone backstage: no.


& Why do you like those shows: I WANNA BE ON IT
& Any specific characters you like on them: SCOTT's Hott.
& Or actors: Not in the shows
& Reality shows: BIG BROTHER, Amazing Race, Bachlor
& Soap operas: Days and Passions
& Game shows: No!
& Talk shows: None really
& News channels: ..
& Like educational programmes such as the PBS/Discovery/History/Science channel: NO
& What about makeover shows {On a person, house, etc}: OMG i LOVE TLC
& Isn't Comedy Central awesome: THe Chapel Show lol
& MadTV/SNL: Sometimes.
& Favorite skit from either above: ??
& Animated shows: no
& Wasn't Nickelodeon better ten years ago: Hell yes. We had Salute Ur Shorts and What would u do
& Recieve channels like Showtime, Cinemax, etc: HBO and Cinemax
& How many hours do you say you watch TV a day: None much, only at night when I'm about to go to sleep
& In a week: Shit if I know
& All-time movie: IDK
& Quote your favorite movie:
& Best Actors:
& Best Actresses {Ugh, I hate this term}: Julia Roberts
& Worst Actors: Your mom
& Worst Actresses: Your dad
& Last movie you saw in the theatre: White Chicks
& How was it: Sux big ens
& What movies do you want to see: Dodgeball, the notebook
& Drama/comedy: Comedy
& Horror/suspense: Suspense.
& Fantasy/reality: Reality
& Gratuitous nudity in a film = "artistic expression" or porn: Either, depends on the scene


& Believe in God: Yep
& Attend church: I SHOULD
& If not, then are you spiritual: Sure
& Or are you an athiest, and why: I believe in God
& Alien life: Yep
& Ghosts: Yep
& Miracles: Yep
& Wishing on stars: No
& Magic: NO
& Love at first sight: Nope, love takes time


& Abortion:No
& George Bush: Loser
& Politics: IDK
& Fast food: Taco Bell, Wendy's MCdonalds
& Death penalty: Depends on the crime. If there's no doubt they killed the person and show no remorse, fry 'em.
& Sex before marriage: Nobody waits until marriage anymore...don't have sex with every Tom, Dick and Harry that comes around though. Make it mean something.
& Legalizing marijuana: Uh...it can't be worse than alcohol
& Cheap labor: Bring it back to the USA
& Feminists: Screw 'em.
& Eating disorders: Fod's great why not eat dumb asses
& The media: Blows things out of proportion sometimes
& Gay marriages: WRONG very wrong
& Gun control: idk
& The depletion of the Ozone layer: Woo?
& Meat: Animals made of meat. Meat taste good.
& Censorship: Hate it. I don't believe other people have the right to tell me what I can read, listen to, or look at. I'm mature enough to make that decision for myself.
& Video-game violence: Whoop-de-doo. I kill people in a game, I'm not gonna kill people in real life.
& War: There comes a time eventually when all else fails and you just gotta go kick somebody's ass. Just know when that time is.
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