A crappy day

Feb 03, 2005 22:47

Today was miserable. To save those who wouldn't want to read it, it's all behind the cut.

-I've had to turn in 4 weeks of homework in 3 classes this week.  I also had 4 midterms in 3 days.  I've been up til 3AM every day this week.  I'm exhausted.

-My exam this morning was at 8AM.  I woke up at 7:10.  And I have to leave the house for the train station by 7:20.  Yeah.  Luckily, I had taken a shower before I went to bed (at 3:30AM) and kinda laid out the clothes.  My Dad dropped me at the train station.  It wasn't until I reached the turnstile that I realized I forgot my wallet on my desk.  Didn't have any tokens, and no money.  Luckily, I found $2 in my coat pocket, otherwise, I'd have completely missed my exam.

-Not that missing the exam would've made much of a difference.  It totally kicked my ass.  There was one question on the exam that was worth 35 points (out of 100) which was based on material that was taught last term.  While the rest of the class took it last term, I took that class in the Fall of 2000.  You think I'd remember the theory, let alone have the whole obscure equation memorized?!  HA.  Yeah... it totally kicked my ass.

-Didn't have any money, didn't have my debit card, didn't have any source of cash.  And I don't know anyone on campus well enough anymore to borrow a couple bucks.  And in my rush to leave the house in the morning, I didn't have any breakfast.  My lack of cash made it that I didn't have any lunch.  And I had a nice day of class and another midterm.  The 2nd midterm of the day wasn't too bad, though.  It was pretty good considering the circumstances.

-So, the whole day, I was exhaustedly tired and really hungry.  Bad combination.

-Oh, did I mention?  TOM has come for a visit.  (Well... for me, it's more like TOY.)  Yeah.  He hasn't showed up in.... what... 10 months?  In this one day, he's already given me a pain in the back.  Literally.  (It doesn't help that I had to lug around my two heaviest textbooks the whole day.)  He leaves such a mess, too.  It's like he's making up for 10 months of no show.  Just his presence makes me cranky.  It was never like this, though.  I'd never have any complaints.  Never got warning signals or anything.  Just his mess.  But this visit, I got a few warning signals.  And now that he's here, he's such a pain.

-Yeah... it was a bad day.  I finally finished my 2nd exam around 7PM.  I had no energy, I was really crabby and tired.  I called home and asked my Dad to pick me up.  Well, I also didn't have any money or tokens.... so that was the main excuse I used.

-Good things that happened today: my brother made me dinner.  Creamy Broccoli Tuna Helper w/ garlic bread.  *sigh*  And Girl Scout cookies for dessert.  So, it was nice end to a shitty day.

Are you still here?  Wow.  You must like suffering to put up w/ all that.  thanks for reading.

christopher, drexel, life

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