Mar 06, 2008 07:05
Howard Dean on the Today show....
"This campaign isn't nearly as nasty/dirty as the 2004 campaign."
Why? I think it's because of Obama's campaign tactics. He doesn't really trash talk - he asks for proof and requests the people to look into the points that Billary makes against him. And that's very refreshing. This is an example how he deals with things differently from other politicians... and that's exactly what we need now.
Clinton, on the other hand, is throwing everything at him. Everything sans the kitchen sink. Which is exactly what every other politician out there is doing. Remember that debate between Romney/Huckabee (I always mix the two up) and McCain sitting infront of an airplane a few weeks ago? All they were doing was trash-talking each other.
I'm tired of hearing these politicians bad mouthing each other to get ahead.
"Bush is dancing his way through the rest of his presidency." -The Today Show (whoever's sitting in for Matt Lauer.)