Jan 31, 2005 16:25
I seriously think they should make Mondayness a word. Mondayness would describe exactly what everyone feels on Mondays-tired, disapointed,bored, and basically just BLAH. You've probably already guess that I HATE MONDAYS. But I hated this monday especially because we had a science midterm and spanish test which were both pretty easy but still....how can teachers expect us to be awake enough to take tests on Mondays? If one of those research people with no time on their hands that usually researchs totally pointless things like the attention span of a rat on crack researched performance levels of people on Mondays I bet it would be way lower than on any other day of the week. Anyway, now I have waisted like 3 minutes on the seemingly endless wonder of how much mondays suck. Can you tell I'm bored or what?