Holy crap, he speaks!

Oct 08, 2007 07:14

So, I woke up a little early and thought I would do one of my RARE posts. Actually I mean it this time when I say there should be more posts to come, why? I am starting my own podcast! Holy crap me and my friend Adam will be starting a podcast soon, should be really funny and a lot of fun. Once I get some supplies then we will be starting it up. Here is the thing…. We REALLY need some server space for the website and a place to actually PUT the podcasts. I know there are a lot of server savvy furs out there and I just wanted to ask that if any of you have some spare server space that we could use it would be awesome, otherwise I’m gonna have to figure out how to sync iTunes to FA, hee hee. Well, time to go to class, see you guys on the air!

podcast, begging

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