Sep 16, 2006 23:49
(Posted this in my Journal on FA. Figgured I'd put it here too...)
Ok, so I don't know who might be watchin' me or whatever but I guess I'm gonna give this a shot. This will be my first of what will probably be a short series of journal posts. I figgure what the hell, might as well give this a shot right? I suppose I'll treat this as academically as possible and outline what this is about. I should tell you all who I am and what I am about then I'll move into what theese journal entries are about and what you all can expect. Let's see how I do, right?
I'll start off by saying that my name is Canto. I am a single 20 year old arctic fox living in Tucson Arizona. Why Tucson you might be askin'? I'm currently a Junior at the wonderful University of Arizona. My major is Microbiology and I have a dual minor in chemistry and Japanese. I've been told that that makes me a bit of a smart guy. I plan on taking my Japanese to Japan and teach English for a year after I graduate then go to medical school back here in the states and become a doctor, one who specialized in infectious disease.
Through my 3 years here at the university I have worn many hats. I have been a gay community leader through Pride Alliance and SPRITE (so yeah, I'm a gay fox, BIG surprise to you I am sure...) and that has been fun, met a lot of fun people, I was even one of the founding fathers for the first gay frat here at UA. Currently though I have opted to steer away from these endeavors to focus further on my studies, I find that civil rights and such are best left to poly sci and law majors. People like me are best found in a lab coat and getting good grades ;), I am comfortable with this role. My other hats are, I' m sure, best reserved for future posts.
I have not an artistic bone in my entire body, so you wont see any type of art here, most of my artistic talent goes into practicing carbon ring structures for my organic chemistry class. And as for writing? Well, that goes into the lab reports I have to write. So I'm afraid I wont be very thrilling in that regard but I'll post what I can and maybe even a couple pics of myself, that is if y'all are wanting to see such.
As for the purpose of this journal, I suppose it'll be my way of reflecting back on my days and nights, sorting out myself and settling my mind when it gets a little noisy. I like to write things down, file them and keep them. Since most of my life is spent in class and such most of what I write here will most likely be what I learned that day in my various courses, some of you may find it interesting (virology and such). Feel free to ask me a question of you want, I love to answer questions! I will also talk a lot about how I feel, don't be surprised if those times are negative, I tend to vent a lot to paper and keys.
I suppose thats it for now. Tommorow being Sunday I will tell you all about my last week and how hectic it was, but I'm sure I've bored you all WAY too much with this babble already, so much for keeping it academic... By the way, please feel free to respond to my posts, I'm a nice ofx and love talking to more folks.