One more day before I can escape this tundra.

May 20, 2006 08:03

Well, after some careful thought I figure it would still be a good idea for me to go to AC. Why knows, maybe it'll do me some good and maybe I'll forget about some of the problems I have here. Therefore I am going to TRY to go to Anthrocon, baring that I actually have the money to go. The outlook looks good, however.
As for other things, this massive heartbreak I have been feeling for the last couple of days in finally wanning, now only brief thoughts of lost love with Silver and Tozias float through my head and stab at me like a dagger.
My mom made an appointment with a shrink for the 26th for some blood tests and an evaluation... I guess psychosis is like AIDS or any STD... it doesn't help anything to deny the possibility of having it... I need to get tested for this. Part of me hopes there is something wrong with me chemically because if there isn't... I'm going to be totally lost on why I feel this way, heh.
On the whole I am feeling better and really excited about getting back to Tucson. It's really fucking cold here at Gender Pac.
Ok, I can't finish my post because I'm being pulled away from some workshops on gender issues. Fun... I'll try to post before I lave for the airport tomorrow morning at like 2 AM, lol. That make sit about 5 here!

PS And oh boy do I have something to bitch about when I have the time...
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