OMG!!! so hi everyone (by the way lacey is still alive).... i logged on today and read meljo's, kayla's, and angelica's life for the past couple of weeks...AND WOW... i feel so isolated and sucluded... i haven't hung out with everyone in soooo long...And i want ya'll to know that i feel REALLY bad about..cause i do miss ya'll SOOOO much and i know that meljo and gelly and nicole have asked me to go places and i've said "no". I'm sorry guys...i just...seem to be doing things when ya'll want to go somewhere and then when i'm free ppl are doing stuff...
ANGELICA : you say your not doing much but compared to me...Your life is packed..all i do is need to get that bad @ss party planned by the call me...
MELJO...omg...i miss you sooo much...i have been reading your journal and your life is like a tv show...soooo broadway material...not kidding at has all the ingredients..(1)love for music, (2)heartbreak, (3)rebel spirit (at least for rents), (4)making tons of new friend no prob!! (I'M SOO JEALOUS, TEACH ME! AND HOW TO GET THE BOYS TO..need a major lesson in that...)And last but no least the DREAM :)!!!I'm soo excited for this year because i finally feel like i am comfortable enough around you to be really good friends (i was kinda intimidated of you for a while cause you're confident and strong about your beliefs and really good at singing)...Can't want to do more stuff with you pres./captain!!
ALLISON ..YOU'RE FINALLY HOME...i know everybody has been sending you letters except for me...excuse my laziness..i missed your hilariousmessness..BUT YOU have some questions to be answering..WHO IS this james character..and WHY haven't you told me about him..grrrrrrrrr... you still look at lj..or have you been like me? anywho, my polish firecracker...can't wait to stuff with you in choir (THAT GOES FOR EVERYBODY..GO SENIORS 06'!!! and allison and jared and holly!)and what will we do without dee....nooooooo
KAYLA you look soo sexy in your Randales outfit ^_^ lol!! i hope we can hook up more and get to know each other better this year... OMG two weeks til summer..where did it go?
MELROSE...WHERE are you? You disappeared...we've sat next to each other in choir for two years and i haven't ever been to your house or you to mine...WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE...well easily fixed...we need to hook up..umm soon..k...k...
Basically, i am going to try to be less anti-social with everyone this year..i never really had a big social life or really one at all because i'm really cautious of everything and a have rents who don't tolerate everything has to be planned out like weeks ahead..well this year is the last year that i'll have the chance to really show everyone how good of a friend i can be and how i can be fun can be..I'm tried of just worrying about grades and being so damn quiet and boring...LACEY TURN WILD CHILD!! JK...LOL..but really ..i'm ready to have some FUN!!lots of fun actually..soo get ready... My three goals for the year.. (
1)Speak what's on my mind - i usually hold my opinions to myself unless i really mad or sad, but now i think i just tell people what i think and it won't be such a burden to me and not present a false representation of myself...
(2)Make more friends and get closer to the ones i already have! - i don't participate i the gang as much as everyone else does and i think sometimes it sends the wrong message. They have accepted me since i came as a Freshman...thanks
(3)HAVE AN EFFING KICK @SS TIME!!! - i'm an effing next year i'll be the last year i'll get to relax in high school before busting @ss in college so i better have a time to remeber... of breath...i really hope this isn't scarying anybody, but my point is well i'm tired of being scared to do stuff while i watch other ppl do it..and i;m sick of how lazy i am at not staying up to date with my friends...and well i'm just ready for a change... so there!!!
i bet most of you guys eyes are glazed over with bordnesss by now so i'll say sinara (spelling a little off???) BYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ;)
p.s. if ya'll don't already know...i'm a big fan of anime!