A word

Apr 01, 2005 14:20

by Mike Danforth

Though I could have written in greater measure about each insight, I purposely chose not to. I will leave it to those who feel more inclined to expound in more detail concerning the prophetic insights mentioned below. These prophetic insights were recorded December 26-29 of 2004.

“Watch what you speak for I am holding you to your word. You say that you want to see more of my glory and that you want to be transformed by the renewing of your mind. I will take you through the necessary steps to get you there. You say that you desire me more than anyone else. I will hold you to your word. Whatever ever you speak in my name and believe that you receive, the same shall be given to you. Watch what you prophesy, for what you declare in my name, according to my will, I will perform it.

“Much of the hardship that you have gone through, and even now, is the direct result of your request for a purer life. I am pruning away the dead branches and bringing forth the new ones. Look for sever weather patterns. The severe weather patterns will be a shadow of the spiritual. The severity of the seasons has increased. This severity has required the cutting away of many branches that bore many leaves, but very little fruit. The next two years will require strong branches that will withstand the strongest of winds. The next two years will also require strong branches to hold the abundance of fruit,” says the spirit of the Lord.

“During the years 2003 and 2004 a merging began, a merging of the church and the kingdom of God. During the years 2005 and 2006, you will see great visible signs of business and church merging together. This will be a sign to the world that the kingdoms of this world are becoming the kingdoms of God.”

“Also, within the course of these next two years you will see the wall that has separated church and state almost completely torn down. Even now a great conflict has increased in the heavens. This conflict is over the great wall that has stood between the natural and spiritual government over this nation.”

“This wall will first come down in the church and then the nation of these United States. Look for strong retaliation, for the hearts of many will crow cold, while the hearts many others will grow hotter for Me, says the spirit of the Lord.” The fence of mediocrity has been completely torn down. The obscurity of righteousness and unrighteousness is being removed. By the end of these next two years there will be no doubt as to where you and those around you stand relationally in the Lord. 2005 and 2006 will manifest great fear in the world. However, during these next two years you will witness great faith, courage and boldness unlike any other time in the history of this nation within the people of God.

By the end of 2006 Jacobs ladder will become a common occurrence. There will be much ascending and descending between heaven and earth. By the power of the Holy Spirit God has put Jacob’s ladder within His people. He has given us the power to ascend and descend between heaven and earth. The revelation of God’s kingdom will become so visible in the earth that governing powers both spiritually and naturally will never be the same again. Ascending and descending from the natural to the spiritual will become more of a common occurrence within those who have set their hearts on things above and not on things below.

“These next two years will reveal the spirit of Benjamin unlike any other time in our history. The spirit of Benjamin will reveal the manifest sons of God’s right hand. According to the word of the Lord. “There is the little tribe of Benjamin, leading them, there the great throng of Judah's princes and there the princes of Zebulun (dwelling) and of Naphtali (Rachel, after he barren time, through a maid servant, brought forth Naphtali, which means, “my wrestling”) (Ps 68:27) Over these next two years we will witness the redemption of the little ones. We will see visible signs of the spirit of death being removed from the mother’s womb. These visible signs will manifest through fewer abortions, miscarriages and abuse. The power of preservation will fall mightily upon the children of the Lord.”

The other night I dreamed I was standing in the court of a king, whom I understood to be the Lord Jesus. He said, “It’s time to come out of the traditions of man and into the traditions of God.” Then the King declared, “I will inhabit your dreams and visions.”

“During the year 2005 and 2006 the church will experience a great transformation from the traditions of man into the traditions of God.” The word “tradition” is the act of handing down. So rather handing down to your sons and daughters the traditions of man, you will hand down to them the traditions of God. Thus a generation will walk in the traditions of the spirit rather than the traditions of the flesh. Two years ago the Lord said, “Christmas and Easter will never be the same again. We have now entered into the process of being transferred from traditional bondage to spiritual freedom. Over the course of 2005 and 2006 you will witness the beginning signs of a dramatic celebrative difference during these two seasons.

“People will not only dream, but God will inhabit those dreams and visions. In other words He will live in the dreams and visions as if they were a present day reality in their life. It will not be experienced just as a memorial experience, but it will be a continual reality of God’s presence in your life.”

On December 23, 2002 at about 9:00 am I was riding along a canyon road of Anchorage Alaska with some family members, when I spotted a full curled ram alongside the road. It went up the embankment, walked out onto a rocky ledge and posed, as if waiting for me to take his picture, so I did. It was certainly one of those rare opportunities. This year of December 23, 2004 at about 9:00 am I was riding along a canyon road with some family members when I spotted a full curled ram along side of the road. It went up embankment, turned side ways, as if it were waiting for me to take a picture, so I did. Once again, it was one of those rare opportunities. Needless to say, that the odds of spotting a full curled ram along side the road, on the same day, same month and same hour, but different year, is up there with winning the lottery.

Ram was an ancestor of Jesus Christ through king David. His name means to be exalted it represents those who will in 2005 and 2006, be in exalted. For their set time of exaltation is at hand.

Lev 8:22, speaks of the ram of consecration. It is also known as a time of fulfilling or a set time. 2005 and 2006 will be a set time for those who will enter into the next stage of their destiny. It is also a set time of departure for some generals in the Lord who have served the Lord faithfully over the past many years.

2005 and 2006 is a set time for unusual signs and wonders to be revealed both in the heavens and the earth. There will be unusual signs and wonders orchestrated by the power of darkness as well as signs and wonders demonstrated by the power of God’s spirit.

The ram of consecration also represents those who have committed their lives and will continue to commit their lives as priests and kings unto the Lord. They are determined to know Him and demonstrate kingdom at any cost.

The ram was what the Lord provided for Abraham as a sacrifice in lieu of Abraham’s son Isaac. This ram was a type a shadow of Jesus Christ being offered for all mankind. According to Genesis 22:14 Abraham is noted as saying in response to the sacrificial ram, “the Lord will provide as it is said to this day, “In the mount of the Lord, it shall be provided.” For those who hold nothing back from the Lord, 2005 and 2006 will be two years of supernatural provision. What you need for certain crucial hours of your life will be provided in the most unexpected way.

According to Lev 5:18-19 the ram was offered as a trespass offering. A revelation of true forgiveness will come to light in the hearts and lives of countless people, this will enable them to supernaturally be set free from the darkness of their past.

It is also noted in Lev 9:4 that a ram was part of a peace offering to sacrifice before the Lord declared, “today the Lord will appear to you. So we are to look with great anticipation for the appearing of the Lord. Not His final appearing, but his appearing in a way that will never be forgotten and will continue with this generation through out the end of their days.

Also, this peace offering is to note the beginning of a peace that will begin to rise in the Middle East. This peace will have been thought of by many, to be impossible, but will mark the beginning of a new era in the peace making process.

“Keep your eye, not on the gift, but on the integrity of the gift. Do not just listen to the words of the prophet, but listen to the spirit of integrity from which his/her words are spoken. For even with great accuracy you will be deceived. Pray for ears to hear beyond earthly events. Pray for eternal sight and sound. In that place I will reveal to you my eternal intentions. In the year 2005 and 2006 the church will witness deception unlike she has ever know before. In the church, the market place and the kingdoms of this world, deception will seek those who have become desperate too succeed no matter the cost. Deception will feed on discouragement and despair. Deception will lie in the shadows of disappointment waiting to prey upon those who have grown discontent with their own life. Deception will try to taint your dreams and visions. Deception will hunger for those who hunger for anything but true righteousness. Deception will tell you that you have missed your opportunity to be all that you were intended to be in this life.

Beware of prophecy that will rise up through demonic powers and influence. Beware of an accuracy that will come forth through demonic insight. Discern the word whether it is of the Lord or not. Beware of prophecies that will come through the tellers of the night. Some will be fortunetellers; some will be tellers of future events that will erupt in the earth. These are those that roam to and fro through the earth gathering information and seeing signs on the earth, in the earth and beneath.

In 2001 the Lord showed me a sundial that was a quarter till 12:00. Now in 2005, the dial strikes 12:00. The emphasis on the sheep in the church has shifted. A new church is being resurrected in the market place, in the kingdoms of the world. Those who are in the present church, mourning over their past, their life is in danger. Those who are still dealing with un-forgiveness in the church, your life is in danger. Those who are still in bondage to the systems of the church, your life is in danger. Those who are still bound to western traditions, your life is in danger. Those who are bound to denominationalism, your life is in danger. Those who are still bound by the restrictions of religion, your life is in danger.

The outward shell of the church is being ripped away. “Strong winds will come and rip away the outward shell of my body,” says the Lord. Many will mourn and say, “How can this be?” But while there are those who will mourn, others will greatly rejoice. For after the great tearing away, countless people will discover a brand new life within. For in that hour many will say, “Truly the latter house is greater than the former house.” The sky will be filled with colors like this nation has never seen before. These colors will be sign of many nations who are entering into the kingdom of God for a time such as this. Keep your eye on Russia and on France for a great conversion shall move through these two nations. There the world will witness the removal of two great walls that have resisted the power of God’s kingdom and the United States of America.

Brace yourself, for all that can be shaken will be shaken. Brace yourself through prayer and worship. Brace yourself with my word. Brace yourself with the spirit of prophecy. Brace yourself through personal relationship one with another. Brace yourself by entering into my private chamber of intimate revelation. Brace yourself with the rod of authority that I have placed within your hand for a time such as this.

In 2005 and 2006 not only will you witness a tremendous increase in the maturation of sons and daughters of light, but you will also witness an increase of maturity in the sons and daughters of the night. The body of Christ will require a much higher level of discernment to distinguish between good and evil. The wheat has reached a new level of maturity as well as the tares. This will mark the beginning those who are chosen in God.

Thirty will be a significant number for this coming year. At the end of thirty-day periods or months we will witness primary keys for the future. Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh, and went throughout all the land of Egypt. The thirtieth year marked the time for storing up the abundance of food for the times of lack. You will see great storehouses being built over these next two years. There will be storehouses of every sort. There will be houses for grain, for oil, for linen, for drink and for food. These storehouses will serve the times and seasons that lie ahead. David was thirty years old when he began to reign as king. New kings will rise up all across the world, both in the natural and the spirit. You will hear of kings turning their hearts toward the Lord. You will hear of spiritual kings influencing the kingdoms of this world. Judas received thirty pieces of silver to portray Jesus. During the course of these next two years we will witness very disturbing portrayals in both high and low places. You will hear of them in the church and in the kingdoms of this world. But in the end God will bring about a supernatural unity. He will take what could have been very disastrous and turn it for the good.

Foreign gates into new territories will open to those who have been in waiting. Those who have let patience have its perfect work will suddenly find themselves going to foreign lands helping others to rebuild and establish the kingdom of God on earth just as it is in heaven. Gates will open to those who have matured in the Lord. They will gain access into the realm of the spirit, overcome ancient spirits, destroy the ancient alters of deception chaos.

Michael A. Danforth

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