OOC: Character Infodump Conga Line

Jul 02, 2007 14:57

Okay. So there are what? Eight new people? *sighs* Time for an infodump.

Melaka Fray: Slayer of the Future, Former Thief, High School Student

What's happened since that infodump?

Well she's made a few friends and got herself two watchers in the form of needsaparrot and lilpunkinbelly. If you throw in willbedone into the mix then you've got yourself something of a Scooby 2.0 thing going.

And even though she'll never admit to it, she is dating thebluespirit. And also likes him. Most of the time. The rest of the time she wants to beat his head in. Teenage romance, ain't it fun?

Like most slayer's do she goes on patrol about once a week if I'm not too tired usually not finding anything at all but having fun chatting with her friends as she does it.

Finally she has a brother who's a vampire and enjoys sending Mel body parts of her sister as birthday gifts and leaving nasty voicemails for her. If that's not brotherly love, I'm not sure what is.

Everything you wanted to know about Jamie Madrox (multi_madrox):

You smack him and he duplicates.

Really. That's it.

*sighs* Fine.

You can read about the original Jamie Madrox here and how this Jamie Madrox came to Fandom here

1. He's afraid of wee tiny bunnies
2. Was dating untouchableskin which has caused him to be in a coma, blow up the Statue of Liberty and spend a week as a chihuahua. They broke up recently due to the manipulations of sneerkite and are now spending the summer apart.
3. All the teachers seem to hate him. I'm not sure why. He only has love in his heart for them.
4. Recently Jamie was absorbed by the original Madrox who was on a kick to regain control over his duplicates. No one else knows this except for Madrox. Madrox thinks he got all of Jamie's duplicates but...
5. A ways back Jamie went with Aeryn Sun, John Crichton and Molly Hayes to the Uncharted Territories to help get the neural clone of Scorpy out of John's head.

While on a trade planet, one of Jamie's duplicates was kidnapped by Peacekeeper forces. He is now in the clutches of Scorpius as he bakes Jamie's head in the aurora chair on a daily basis. (I'm sure most of the faculty wish they had the same opportunity).

Eventually he was transferred to a prison ship where there was a small Jamie riot and the ship was set free. Now he's currently lost. In some distant part of the universe. Aboard a living ship of escaped prisoners who are becoming his friends. (That is if D'Argo can stop knocking him out with the tongue of doom.)

Everything you ever wanted to know about Martin Q. Blank (oatmanspatient):

Or you can find out more Here

As for Marty in FH:
Marty had a weirdly compressed history before coming to FH. He still abandoned Debi at the prom but he did it as a freshman. He then did the whole Army bit and CIA thing in the period of two years. Then he came to school on an assignment then either he found a new respect for life or he fell in love with Angela Chase.

Now he's no longer in the business but still has the occasional run-in with his past whenever I feel like torturing him. He recently graduated from Fandom High this past May and is living with cashingangela and her family before he attending Columbia University in the fall.

1. He still killed the president of Paraguay with a fork. Because that's cool.
2. He once had a pet muppet chicken named Camilla, which was a gift from our School Chef.
3. Under the influence of a gremlin thought he was Principal Sarah Connor
4. Under the influence of a gremlin thought he was an elf from the North Pole
5. Under the influence of a gremlin... Okay there's just too many times he's been bitten. Okay?
6. Marty has never had sex with a ferret. He also does not have sex like a ferret. These are lies spread by people who have access to his voicemail.

Everything you need to know about Dale Cooper (pieandcoffee):
He's quirky. He's kooky. He loves pie, coffee and a damn good mystery.

What's happened to Dale since that infodump above?

1. He's currently a "Special Agent" with the Fandom Police force working for Roy Mustang.
2. Solved his first case in Fandom. Granted it was "Who cut of Turtle Wexler's braid?" but a mystery nonetheless.
3. Has eaten a TON of pie and drank GALLONS of coffee. Good thing he has the metabolism of a hummingbird.
4. Will be teaching a co-ed class on Scouting for the second summer term as part of a outreach program for the kids at school.

infodump, ooc

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