Feb 10, 2005 22:56
I am mentally deranged and I have a sleeping problem. I see things that are not there, I bite people, I eat deficates left by pigeons. I enjoy a good laugh but otherwise I just end up petting myself. This is my Journal, you don't have to comment. It doesn't matter what you do, its not going to affect me, I will nevertheless continue to pet myself and eat crap. I am a boy. I am God. Therefore, God must be a Boy. I worship pictures of me. This is my alter-ego. This is me. This is an expression, a form, a lifestyle. No more complaints about petty dramatic lives. I don't care if your boyfriend sucked someones dick and then dumped you. I don't care that you are confused, hell, who isn't? I don't care that you suck because if you don't already know you suck, well then you have some ignorance problems. We are going to discuss fun things, no more of this growing up bullshit. I'm through with it. I like to eat poop. I like to smell my fingers. I am and am and am constantly am am lost in thoughts and music. I feel nothing. I cut my body up to feel something. I cut my body up to feel the opiates release because, I can't find heroin right now. I shoot up. All the time. Its starting to wear me down, I'm getting a bit thin. You can see my adams apple bulging. I puke plenty of times during the day. It feels incredible. My guts and everything in me emptying out in a splatter of beauty in front of me. Seeing the chunks of crab cakes from my dinner 3 days ago is always an awesome feeling. I am compulsive, neurotic, and ultimately, a freak of nature. Don't laugh, like you are not? Listen buddy, lets clear a few things up right now and right here. Your life suck, its never going to change. You constantly strive to find meaning when everything is meaningless. You strive to succeed only to fail and fall into shit. You are nothing. A waste of molecules. Nothing you ever do will ever amount to anything. Stop pretending because sooner or later, when you're dying, you're going to remember me. You're going to remember what I said and when that time comes, you know what you're gonna do? You're gonna laugh. Laugh at your own horrid ignorance and you will then know you are just another pitiful scum, who will never amount to anything, who is dying. So good luck. I'll be right there too. Laughing at you. That will be our greatest moment together.