Justice League Sirocco is currently headquartered at
6040 Jubilee Road. The location is public, highly advertised knowledge, and anyone in need of Heroic Services is encouraged to drop by, as there will always be at least one Leaguer on the premises at all times (Booster will refer to these "hang out at HQ for X hours" shifts as monitor duty despite the fact that nothing is actually being monitored and yes he will also be taking shifts despite his technical retirement). A public stockpile of anemoi is also kept on the premises. It's locked up for security reasons, but the key is kept with whoever happens to be on monitor duty at the time, and people are welcome to donate or withdraw anemoi by simply asking them about it.
canthandleacape-Founder/Manager/PR Guy/Recruiter/ALL OF THE THINGS
-Secret identity: Michael Jon Carter. He hasn't remembered this yet.
-Was a superhero and member of the Justice League back home, but no suit in Anemoi means no powers, so he's kind of retired from active heroing here.
-Keeps a personal office in the JLS HQ and can frequently be found there, even when it's not his monitor duty shift.
-Is definitely not secretly Supernova no way.
a_civil_service-Government Liaison/General Legal Stuff
-Fulfilled a similar role for Hero TV back home.
-Is definitely not secretly Lunatic no way.
totallynotaspaz-Secret identity: Danny Fenton. He hasn't remembered this yet.
-Power(s): Ghost powers - flight, invisibility, intangibility have all been remembered. Still forgotten: manipulation of ectoplasm and Ghostly Wail.
-Was a superhero back home.
stinglikeabat-Secret identity: Joachim Valentine. This is pretty transparent.
-Power(s) (Remembered): Crest magic (buffs, weak attacks, repositioning), can turn into a bat, impressive but sub-super strength.
-Power(s) (Still Forgotten): Invisibility, draining life energy, Weird Vampire Shit (Dark sushi magic? Redecorating?), Artem Buster
-Was a superhero back home.
-More powerful with the mask on. It's a psychological thing.
-Has taken
rainbowbrush under his wing as a sidekick.
wontdieifkilled-Secret identity: N/A
-Power(s): Projection magic: can create inferior copies of any sword he's seen, including their style of use. Currently unremembered is Unlimited Blade Works, a Reality Marble full of swords.
thekoistiger-Secret identity: Kotetsu T. Kaburagi. This is a pretty poorly kept secret not considered public knowledge.
-Power(s): Hundred Power - Increases natural abilities a hundredfold for five minutes, then can't be used for an hour.
-Was a superhero and member of Hero TV back home.
-Was partners with
bishonenbunny back home.
bishonenbunny-Secret identity: N/A
-Power(s): Hundred Power - Increases natural abilities a hundredfold for five minutes, then can't be used for an hour.
-Was a superhero and member of Hero TV back home. Remembers the hero part, but not Hero TV.
-Was partners with
thekoistiger back home. Remembers Tiger, but not their partnership.
-Vaguely interested in joining, but currently undecided.
canhandleacape-Secret identity: Booster Gold. This is known only to Booster.
-Power(s): Teleportation (self and/or others), sending things to the Phantom Zone, flight, shrinking, lasers, light generation, suit freezes time for the wearer
-Refuses to join the JLS, ostensibly out of dislike/distrust of Booster.
sardine_power-Secret identity: Valvatorez. This is not even remotely secret and he doesn't even bother with a costume.
-Power(s): Turning into bats, said bats turning into teeth, being a Disgaea character
-Not officially a Leaguer, but gets involved in these shenanigans enough that he might as well be.
a_civil_service-Secret identity: Yuri Petrov. This is known only to Yuri.
-Power(s): Can generate extremely hot flames.
-Is not joining the JLS because GRIMDARK ANTI-HERO!!! of ideological differences.