Only at my job

Jul 02, 2004 06:04

I just got finished talking to a female patient at my job. Now i say talking, but i really mean listening..listening very hard, for this person had a trach ring and no voice box, so she was essentially the loudest mute i've ever listened to. For someone with no voice, she can talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk...and then she'll talk some more. And just when i think i can move and get past her or walk away from her to do something else, she'll tap me on the shoulde ..and keep on talking as though I've nothing better to do with my time than to listen to her barely audible but obvious delusions. So according to her, I'm in love with an demon but I've got to conver this demon to an Angel or some such thing.

man...only at my job could i get a headache listening to someone with no fucking voice.

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