eins befehl | audio.

Oct 22, 2011 23:55

[At first there is mumbling in German as he attempts to dial a number on the phone. Agitated, he raises his voice.]

Is this thing even--!

[A brief pause. When he speaks again it's with a forced calm.]

Right. This morning I awoke in a strange house and there is some lunatic woman here claiming to be my wife. If this is some kind of elaborate ( Read more... )

¢ tiffany aching, ¢ spain, ¢ the major, ¢ seychelles, ¢ johan liebert, ¢ taiwan, ¢ ukraine, ¢ lichtenstein, ¢ hungary, ¢ america, ¢ schrodinger, ¢ lithuania, ¢ austria, ¢ diana ethelbert, ⊗ mayfield

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sturmbahnfurher October 22 2011, 23:29:58 UTC
[Hey German. Just have someone speaking back to you in your native tongue.]

A prank it is not, I'm afraid my friend.


cantgetlaidin October 23 2011, 00:46:34 UTC
[He replies in German, audibly slightly more at ease.]

Then what is it?


sturmbahnfurher October 23 2011, 00:48:00 UTC
A kidnapping, I'm afraid, and one you'll find you'll be incapable of getting away from at the moment.


cantgetlaidin October 23 2011, 00:55:28 UTC
I see.

Although I will take what you said into consideration, whether or not escape is possible is something I will have to confirm myself.


sturmbahnfurher October 23 2011, 01:10:28 UTC
A wise decision.

I will warn you. Any equipment or, say, abilities you might have had back home that you would use to assist yourself you'll find gone here.


cantgetlaidin October 23 2011, 01:15:58 UTC
How inconvenient...


sturmbahnfurher October 23 2011, 01:21:35 UTC
In some ways indeed, it is.

Might I ask who I'm speaking with?


cantgetlaidin October 23 2011, 01:25:27 UTC

And you are?


sturmbahnfurher October 23 2011, 01:27:08 UTC
The Major.

[Although, in German of course, he uses the appropriate title dictating him as a member of the SS: Stürmbahnfuhrer.]


cantgetlaidin October 23 2011, 01:42:19 UTC
Ah. And your name? Division?


sturmbahnfurher October 23 2011, 01:45:23 UTC
Millennium, the Last Battalion.

That is my name. I need no other.


cantgetlaidin October 23 2011, 01:59:03 UTC
Millennium. [A suspicious pause.] Forgive me, but I have never heard of that particular division.

And surely you have a proper name, Major. I am asking for that name.


sturmbahnfurher October 23 2011, 02:08:40 UTC
It was a secret division formed first of officers and scientists selected by the Führer to devise a means of quickly winning the war.

When the war on the home front was lost, we chose to continue our research until we might strike a blow against the enemies who had locked us away from sight and mind.

It is my proper name. A name, in the end, is that which describes the person.

And that is who I am. Der Stürmbahnfuhrer.


cantgetlaidin October 23 2011, 02:18:26 UTC
You're making little sense. I would of been informed of such a division, for starters.


sturmbahnfurher October 23 2011, 02:21:00 UTC
I can guarantee you I'm sincere. A great deal of those even higher then myself in rank were not informed of our presence in order to prevent the chance of the Allied Forces discovering our work in Warsaw.


cantgetlaidin October 23 2011, 02:33:36 UTC
I am above any rank, Major, and I know my force well.

What exactly did your work involve?


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