If you've talked to me for a little while, you've probably realized that I suck at watching things. And most likely, I haven't seen whatever you're talking about. So I'm going to attempt to rectify this a little by watching 100 movies in 2010.
Please feel free to make suggestions, especially sci-fi suggestions. Feel free to tell me what I should avoid, too. XD
Also, I'm not going to count any I'm rewatching, just things I've watched for the first time.
Rules and Guidelines:
1. Watch 100 movies or more in 2010.
2. Keep track of how many you watch.
3. Leave entry public. If anyone wants to recommend any movies to me, go for it.
Netflix Rating System:
1 = Hated it. (Just...no.)
2 = Didn't really care for it. (Not great, but parts are okay)
3 = Liked it. (It was good. Might choose to see it again)
4 = Really liked it. (Probably wouldn't buy it, but I really liked it)
5 = Loved it so much. (Will add to buy on DVD list)
Seen This Year
1. Princess and The Frog (2009)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
To Be Seen/Suggestions
1. Elizabeth (1989)