Fix It, Rec It, Pimp It

Dec 30, 2010 16:28

A couple days back,topaz_eyes posted an awesome Ten parallels Donna post.  If you haven't read it - go there now!  Don't worry, I'll wait....

Ten Parallels Donna Parallels Ten...

OK?  Back then?

So given the heightened emotions Donna's demise always stirs in me, I have decided to offer a very short list of a few of my favorite fix-its.

One of the things I look for in a fic is if I hear the actors' voices in my head.  This is an especially good sign since I have an American accent and don't automatically hear the things I read in an "Estuary accent" (which I read on Google is the accent Ten has).  So if I 'hear' DT and CT in my head, bingo!  Authentic fic.

I guess this would be a good place to mention that all the stories below have spoilers.

Let's start with two stories from katherine_b :

A Time of Endings

This story is an inventive retelling of The End of Time.  An unexpected and perfect twist at the end will make you cheer!   I especially adore the interpretation of the Wilf/Ten scene in the cafe.

(BTW, don't forget to read the two-chapter epilogue   Donna and the Doctor.)

katherine_b  has quite a few fix-its on her journal, so I highly encourage you do go exploring.  My other favorite fix-it of hers is:

Dona Nobis Beatatis  Two parts, eleven chapters each.  From beginning to end , a meditative and peaceful fix-it.  I can almost hear the spaces between sentences when Donna and Ten are talking.


Another favorite of mine is by goodbye2pisces .

A Sorta Fairytale Universe  

This is actually a  link to goodbye2pisces' masterlist of stories.  Scroll down and begin your journey at Making Do.  While you're there, I also recommend the Million Dollar Baby story and the Best Laid Plans multichapter.  I'm not a big Timebaby fic person, but I loved the realtionship between Donna and Ten and what does forever really mean?


If you like your Doctor/Donna lush and sensual, have you read Eclipse by hitlikehammers ?  It's romantic and a bit OOC, but it's so well written I just don't care.


I have found this story on more than three fanfic recommendation lists, but I'm putting it here anyway because it's so awesome.

sensiblecat 's  After the Storm

Not a fix-it, per se, but kind of, but not really.  Read it if you haven't already.  Like all of her fiction, the dialogue is sharp and intelligent, very in character and observant.


And finally, a 10.5 fix it by anubischick

Lycidas and Paradise Lost


That's only a few of the stories that I've read.  I'm sure there's more.  If you have a favorite fix-it, can you recommend it here?  If you've written a fix-it that I've left out, can you pimp it and let me know about it?  Then we can all share the Ten/Donna love!

pimp it, doctor/donna, rec it, fix-it, ten/donna, fanfic

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