Whew - I made it through another winter! Gloomy cold days, grey skies are finally giving way to warm sun and later sunsets. Well, that and ridiculous amounts of rain in March and April.
However, I do propose a new federal holiday - National Sleep-In Day for the Monday after the clocks move forward. Everybody wakes up when they want, goes to work after lunch and puts in a half day.
Bad news: There is no summer school for our school this year. Our school lost its Title I funding, so no summer employment for me. Well, I could apply for other summer school jobs, but since I am just a music teacher, classroom teachers and special ed teachers get preference. So it does not look good for me.
Good News: My allocation did not go down and I am still employed as a 1.0 teacher - full-time, 5 days a week, at one school. As a result of increased class size, many art, music and PE teachers in the elementary schools went down to a .9 allocation, which is four and a half days a week. This is going to be a trick because if you were hired as a 1.0 teacher, the county is contractually obligated to provide you with a 1.0 position. The question is, where are all these .1 positions coming from?
I feel like I have dodged an employment bullet.
The cats do not have the same problem with the time change as the rest of us